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I started this story as a love declaration to all the music I enjoy listening to.

It turned into more than that.
This story and it's characters came alive to me so much that I was actually disappointed that Obstruction was never played on radio.
I do realise that they are fictional, but to me they are more than just words on a page.

But it is in dire need of a revamp. I will be spending some time editing Obstruction to make it as good as possible.

Which is why I ask you to read it, give me constructive criticism. Feel free to point out plot holes and flaws with the story. You may also want to yell at Simon when he's being an ass and at Izzy when she's oblivious.
But please be kind.

This story is a featured story on the music profile in it's current form.
The editing process will therefore not deal with the structure of the story, but will be a loving and thorough clean-up to make it a better read.

Recently I also asked my friend AnnieRosebud to help me make a better cover.
And she certainly delivered.
I had trouble choosing.
One of these will also become the final cover when I e-publish this story.

 One of these will also become the final cover when I e-publish this story

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ObstructionWhere stories live. Discover now