Learn to Fly

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- Foo Fighters, Learn to Fly -


Autumn disappeared in a flurry of activities. We were playing gigs and TV shows and had a load of photo sessions in various places.
It was good fun though. We met interesting people and saw alot of new places.
I made myself busy with cousework on my downtime and had decided to focus on getting my degree in design for the sake of my sanity. Selma had signed up for an online course in creative writing too, so we pushed each other to do the work. It gave me an excuse for some alone time too. And when I was busy with my designs, I felt like the old me again rather than just Obstruction-Izzy. Ethan used my study time as a reason to get his own introverted breathing space. Being so close to each other at all times, like we did meant we all appreciated having some time to ourselves.
The days flew though and before I knew it, we were home for Christmas, ready for a break and some family time.

Christmas morning I woke in my own bed with my very own Ethan wrapped around me like my own special Christmas present. I opened my eyes to see him already awake and staring at me with a clever smile and his eyes a shimmering steel grey.

"Merry Christmas, Izzy," he said and kissed me before I really had a chance to wake.

I recalled last christmas and giggled to myself.

"Want me to find my penguin pj's?" I asked.

"Mmmm.... no! I kinda like what you're wearing," He murmured as he stroked his fingertips along my naked skin.

I returned the favour, loving how he fought shivers as I touched his ticklish areas.
With a sudden motion he caught my wrists and pinned them above my head before trailing kisses along my jaw.

"Okay. Before this turns interesting... presents!" He said and got out of bed.

Without worrying about covering up, he walked over to my dresser and pulled a wrapped square present from the drawer I had cleared out for his stuff. We were at each other's houses all the time when we were home, so I had wardrobe space at his and he had a drawer at mine.
Despite having seen him undressed quite a lot over the last few months, there was still a delicious shiver along my spine at the sight of him in all his naked beauty.
He caught my appreciative gaze and smirked back before sitting on the edge of the bed and handling me the present.
I looked at the square in my hand. Wrapped the same way my present the year before had been.
I opened it and found a home burned CD in a cover, very similar to the one I had been given a year before.
Inside the cover was a photo of us together from our make over. It must have been one of Freddy's backstage ones as it showed me in my wings and Ethan in his prince charming outfit. His hands were on my hips and we looked completely lost in each other. I realised it must have been taken just before my stylist interrupted us.

"That is a good photo," I said.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered softly.

I turned to see him look at me and not the photo. His fingers were on my arm drawing patterns.
I waved him to me with my index finger until he was close enough for me to kiss. He chuckled and shook his head.

"That present before this one," he grinned and indicated his body with a gesture.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him to me so he was laying next to me under the covers instead of sitting up. He snuggled up to me with an arm around my middle while I
continued unwrapping my present.

I looked at the CD and saw written "Izzy.
Make sure you listen to all of it.
I love you.

"As if I'd ever hit stop again," I laughed, feeling slightly apprehensive about what this CD might contain.

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