Let's Dance

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- David Bowie, Let's Dance -


September 18th

We were at the party. For some reason I found myself backed up against a wall with a drunk boy pinning me in place. Ellen had recognised him as being in one of her lectures so I figured: Hey, what can go wrong?

By this time, everything could go very wrong.

The guy was hot enough. The trouble was that he was fully aware of his own hotness and at this moment he stood there leering at me as if he was waiting for me to fall on my knees and worship him.
He made me feel as if I was doing something I shouldn't, just by standing there with him.
Before the party, I had promised Ellen to live a little and as I had been cornered by this boulder of a human being, she was on the dancefloor sucking face with some random she had spotted on arrival.
That girl never wasted any time.

I was wondering if there was something wrong with me. I could see that this boy in front of me was attractive in his own way. He had these golden brown eyes and black hair combined with even features that somehow reminded me of a young Elvis Presley.

I found myself wanting to draw his portrait, considering in the back of my mind if charcoal or watercolour would be the best medium.

He on the other hand had made it abundantly clear that he wanted to do something completely different.
I turned my head to take a swig of the beer I was holding.

I followed up with a modest smile, while considering what excuses I could safely make to get away from him.
Without warning he lay a hand on my neck and pulled my head towards him so my beer sloshed over my hand. My whole face was squashed into his as he drunkenly opened and closed his mouth, like a fish, in search of mine. I buttoned my lips, but couldn't stop this slobbering boy from rubbing his wet mouth all around my face.
At some point I had to breathe. He had my nose flattened on his cheek, meaning I had to open my mouth for air. I sucked as much air in as I could before he twisted me up to find my lips.
I gave up any hope of getting a soft, gentle, sweet kiss, and fearing my scalp being black and blue from his grip, I went for the option of least resistance.
I decided to stay still rather than try to squirm away.
After lip-wandering around my face, he eventually found my mouth and I felt his tongue immediately stab for entry. I don't know why I was surprised, but it was enough to encourage him. I suddenly found myself with his tongue attacking mine in the same way a medieval knight would have attacked a dragon.

Forcefully and without mercy.

There was no way to escape this without actually biting him. Making a decision to at least try to relax into it, I figured there might be something in it for me. I might even begin to enjoy it. Cautiously I moved against him, causing him to actually moan.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Were guys really this easily turned on?

I hadn't even done anything!

I was sensing a beer-induced burp inching it's way up. I wondered for a moment if burping into a kiss like this would actually be considered rude.

He pulled me closer. His teeth scratching my lip and his tongue playing whisk on mine.
Burping would be on the agenda.

I had to free myself somehow. I lay the hand not holding my beer up on his chest and pushed carefully. He slowly drew back until he let go of the face-lock with a big self-satisfied grin.

I took the opportunity to draw a deep breath, realising I was dizzy from lack of oxygen.

"That good huh?" He grinned, interpreting my breathlessness in the completely wrong direction.

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