Close my Eyes Forever

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-Ozzy Osbourne and Lita Ford, Close my Eyes forever -

- June 15th -

Simon had been grouchy all Moday and hardly spoken to me all day. After lunch he just went into a silent sullenness I had never seen before. My resentment towards him had softened since we saw Mr. Summers, but I still hadn't managed to get the courage to have a proper conversation with him. Before leaving the Art studio he gave me an unexpected hug.

"Just remember that I really do care about you Izzy," Simon said into the hug before he more or less ran out of the building.

I had wondered what he was doing.

Simon had always been reliable, predictable and safe, Lately he had been moody, grouchy and irrational. I just wanted him to smile again.

To my surprise I found Odd already down in the band room when I arrived. The academy had started to store things down there, being as we were due to move our stuff out soon and now Odd was in a corner digging through some stuff.

"Hey there. See what I found," he grinned and pulled an old tv and VCR on a stand out from behind some notice boards that had been stored in a corner.

"There are films too," he said and crouched down in front of a pile of videotapes.

I walked over and wedged myself in to see.

"Ooohh Dirty Dancing. I haven't seen that since I was a kid!" I laughed.

"Wanna watch it?" he asked.

I studied the long haired metaller with the easy grin.

"A bit cheesy for you ain't it?" I asked.

"Nothing wrong with the occasional cheese," he shrugged.

Within a few minutes he had the TV and VCR on and the film begun playing.

I smiled and shook my head. This boy looked all angles and edges out in public but was soft as a kitten down here in the band basement.

I caught myself studying him closer. Given a different situation, Oddball would be the perfect guy. The golden brown eyes always had a smile ready and he had a well proportioned face with even, masculine features. With his easy smile and constant good mood, he could win over anybody. Of course outside of the band room he was a tougher version, with his black clothed appearance, but the Oddball I knew was all cute.
In many ways, Oddball was the full package. I was hoping Evan was able to see that.
And now he was standing there with a dodgy, 80ies dance film and a weird smile at the thought of watching it.

"Elsie used to love this film. I had to dance with her when she was younger," Oddball smiled sadly.

There wasn't a lot I could say. I sat down with a nod. I would do anything for Oddball to help him get over the loss of his sister. Including watching cheesy movies on outdated, poor quality video.

I realised a fair way into the film that Simon and Ethan still hadn't turned up. I was getting worried.
Sure, we were in a bit of a rough patch, but they usually turned up on time.

"Antsy?" Oddball asked.

"Nah. Just wondering what happened to the other two," I said.

"Scared to be caught out watching 80ies cheese?" Odd asked with a chuckle.

"Not really... it's just not like them to not show," I said quietly.

Inside I was adding that secret need to see Ethan.
To see if he still avoided looking at me.
If he still turned away.
A part of me was praying to a higher power that one day I'd see him smile at me again, but the hope was slowly dying. He was sullen, quiet and constantly glaring at Simon.
And Simon was being just as much of an ass, glaring right back at him.
At the last gig I had been on the verge of physically smashing their heads together from all the animosity.
Not the best creative environment.

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