Heaven and Hell

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- Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell-


- July 3rd -

The week disappeared in finishing projects and packing up the band gear ready to move it to the garage.
We held back the stuff we needed for the gig, but by friday it was all a pile of boxes so we decided to load it into the van and go.

Ethan and I spent pretty much every possible moment together. We'd been on dates and tried our best to behave.
I had a very sexy man wanting me and my inner fangirl and my inner dork were constantly battling for control.

"How the hell did you manage to resist?" I asked Ellen.

She lifted an eyebrow.

"I didn't," she replied.

"But you did. When you were actually dating!" I said.

"Yeah, well. Simon works best in the forbidden fruit department," Ellen grinned.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning... I wasn't anywhere near as obsessed with him when I had him. Once we were done and he told me he wasn't interested. Hormone central. One way ticket," Ellen laughed.

"How's that going by the way?" I asked.

"His royal hotness is still messing with my groove... not touched him since April and suffering some withdrawals, but I'll live," she shrugged.

"It was all about the sex, huh?" I asked.

"Yup," she replied with a satisfied smirk.

I looked up and spotted the man in charge of my ever changing heartbeat.

"And there you go. Eyes glazing over again. Drool dripping..." Ellen huffed.

"But he's so fucking hot," I giggled.

"No comment," Ellen laughed.

There was a moment of intense joy when Ethan sat next to me with a smile.

"Hey," he whispered and rubbed his nose on mine.

"Hey," I replied with a smile.

"Okay... You two had better get it on soon. There is a nuclear reactor somewhere in Asia threatening to melt down from the sheer pressure," Ellen sighed heavily.

Ethan looked at her with confusion.

"Seriously. Children will die. Sheep will be born with extra limbs!" Ellen grinned.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because the tension between the two of you needs to be dealt with," Ellen sighed, waving her finger between us.

I laughed and shook my head. Bluntness wrapped in metaphors.

"There. I said it," Ellen grinned.

"She's not wrong," Ethan muttered with his lips brushing my neck.

Goosebumps and shivers ran along my skin.

I was about to turn into a kiss when I became aware of voices behind me.

Two miniskirted girls were sending me evil looks.

"I told you. She only got into that band for one reason," blonde girl said just loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah. I don't know what he sees in her," the other one huffed as they walked past.

I didn't want it to upset me. But somewhere in my gut a cold lump was forming.

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