Dressed for Success.

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-Roxette, Dressed for Success -


-August 1st -
The day of the makeover and first photo shoot had arrived.
It was 6.30 in the morning, Ethan and I were fast asleep in my bed. His arm firmly around me and my back pressed against his chest when a heavy weight landed on top of us. My eyes flew open to see Oddball sat on top of us and Simon crouched down with his grinning face less than a foot from mine.

"What the fuck?" Ethan grumbled behind me and buried his face in my neck.

He insisted that sleeping like that was comfortable, but I always worried about him choking on my hair.

"Rise and shine," Oddball laughed and started bouncing on top of us.

"How did you even get in here?" I asked tiredly.

"I still have a house key," Simon grinned dangling his keychain in my face.

"Wakey, wakey. Time to get a make over and dressed up for pretty photos," Oddball said, still sat on us.

Ethan tucked me closer to him and I could feel him fighting back a laugh.

"Oddball! Get off," Ethan muttered as I tried to twist myself so I could send the dimpled imp a warning glare.

"Aww... You're all cutsey and naked and cuddled up!" Oddball laughed and lay himself forward so he could hug both of us.

"Hair! Everywhere!" Ethan spat as the drummer's black hair surrounded us.

I pushed a skein of black hair out of my face and turned to Simon again. He had sat down on the edge of my bed, watching us in amusement.

"Remove the limpet, get coffee and we'll be up," I promised.

"But this is looking so cozy!" Simon laughed and lay down next to me with his arm reaching over all three of us. Or trying to.

Suddenly, Ethan started squirming and squealing behind me and I realised that Oddball was tickling him to wake him up.

"Stop it, you asshole!" Ethan laughed and fought his best friend off.

"We're awake," I grinned.

Odd stopped the tickle attack just before the covers were about to be pulled off me.

Oddball jumped off us and looked back with a satisfied smirk.

"There! Awake! Let's go find them some coffee," he said and pulled Simon up.

"Five minutes!" Simon warned, pointing at us with a grin.

"Just enough time," Ethan murmured and shifted us so he could kiss me.

"Enough time to get dressed, not enough time for a quickie," Simon laughed, still not having left the room.

"How do you know we're not already on it?" Ethan laughed back at him making the covers move suggestively.

"Coffee!" Simon muttered and left with a loud laugh.

As soon as we were alone, we did actually get out of bed and dressed without too many breaks. I mean, you can't seriously expect me to wake up next to a naked beautiful man and not make the most of it!
We found Selma in the kitchen on breakfast duty and a smirk on her face that told me the wake up call may have been her idea. One look at Simon's face and I knew he had just gone with it like a well behaved little minion. A few minutes later we had managed to have breakfast and were seated in Oddball's van on our way to the stylist and photo studio.

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