A little too perfect

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(A/N: I've included a pop song here. I just like the catchy tune and the lyrics are just so sweet. Besides, Alex With is from my local town. So a bit of friendly promo there.

This chapter is dedicated to MercurioC Happy belated birthday, girlie! )

I was desperate.
Two days until Ethan's birthday and I still hadn't found him a present. I had blackmailed, bribed and coaxed Ellen into a shopping trip.
On a saturday morning.
She was not happy.

I figured a rather large frothy coffee might make her more helpful and headed for the nearest coffeeshop.
Ignoring the stormy cloud above her head, I sat her down at a booth and headed for the counter. I had paid for my black coffee and Ellen's frothy milky one when the door chimed and I heard a cheerful voice.

"Izzy!" Selma exclaimed behind me.

I turned and gave her my brightest smile.

"Hey you," I replied.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Good... just... good. You?" I mumbled, feeling like an idiot.

"Can't complain," she chirped.

She studied the menu for a moment.
An idea formed at the back of my mind about somehow getting present ideas. My coffee order was handed over and I took the two cups with a thanks to the barista. Before heading back I casually smiled at her.

"Hey... Ellen and I are sat over there if you feel like joining us," I said.

Selma's smile brightened even more.

"I'd love to. Thank you, Izzy!" She smiled.

I nodded and headed over to Ellen.

"Brighten up sourpuss. Ethan's sister is joining us," I said with a smile as I sat down oposite her and handed her the coffee.

"Sourpuss my ass. You dragged me out shopping before 10 on a Saturday!" Ellen grumbled.

I left her to the coffee.

A minute later Selma slipped into the seat next to Ellen.

I nodded approvingly at her black coffee.

"Best thing to wake me up, according to my dear brother. Although he only started drinking the stuff last November," she smiled and took a sip of the dark liquid before scrunching her nose up.

"Still getting used to the taste though," she laughed.

"She's like a fucking Care Bear! Could you please tone it down? I'm beeing blinded here," Ellen grouched.

Selma flinched slightly.

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't really do mornings," I said pointing at Ellen.

"No! I don't do Saturday mornings looking for birthday presents for your fucking crush!" Ellen snapped.

I cringed.
Selma tilted her head and Ellen slowly turned to actually look at Selma for the first time with a growing smirk.

"Retract statement!" I muttered under my breath glaring at Ellen.

Ellen grinned gleefully at me.

"Okay. Correction. I don't do Saturday mornings looking for birthday presents for some dude in the same fucking band as you... Better?" Ellen smirked.

I shot her a death-glare.
Next to Ellen, Selma was trying to hide a laugh.
I sighed and wished for a full do over.

"Anyway..." I started trying to think of something remotely intelligent to say.

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