Chapter 7

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A/N OH MY SATAN i just relized dem last chopter woz chaopter 6.........GEDDIT LIKE 666 COS ITS SATNS NUMBER!!!!1666 i kant belif I never notificied it be4!!! btw ENJOY THE CHAPTER GUTS I HOPE U LIKE CLIFFIES

anyway (geddit like garud wasy) while i woz spanking up ways 2 bladdily kill the Volvys Emilie Autumn bust in2 my room.

"Dakota MIdnight silver dakota bella Satan autumn bethany bella germany daea'thelee Amy Lee white, Veroinica got 1 of ur and Edwams sox tapes and is MASTICATING 2 IT!!!!!11555"

i stopped slitting my rats and got up. I putt on a black shit with 6 (geddit) silver backles going acrostic my chast and buckles on the arms. It had red buttoms with satin (geddit like SATAN) on dem and skorn tite (GEDDIT LIKE SKIN TITE BUT SCORN TITE) black leggis with dark purple boats on my feet.i also put on Rubber padded armors with studs and spikes that will make your industrial heart beat at a pounding rhythm (i got dat from a site so FUCK OFF!11!!). Then I pat on white fashiel poder on my face and black eye shoddow.

Then i went downstars and sure enouf VEROINIA WOZ MASTICATING 2 ME AND EDWAIN ON THE TEVELISION. it turns out she was bisezual coz if ur not bisezual ur an homophon plus sensotove bi guys r fukin kawai (not that i wud tuch enother gurl or somefang (geddit) ewww not like that ). Copten Maggots woz there 2 and shwe woz wearing goffik clothes.

"WAT THE SATIN R U 2 IMCEBILES DONG" edrat scremmed as he saw us dong stoff with his thingy.

Vernocia gasped and tyed 2 tun off teh tevelisionion bat (geddit) IT JOST REWANDED IT AND PLAYD IT EVEN LODER DEM B4. Lackily Moggins hissed a block magik spell 2 Satin and teh tevelisionion caught on fire and burnd in the depfs of hell.

"Wangs! (geddit cos im gofifk)" i fanked her. Den my best fiend (geddit) cam into teh hose and sed "Hi Dokata wats up?"

My fiend had long back hair what retched down 2 her faat and had red strokes in it. she woz wering the exact same outfit as me cos shes goffik. Her name woz Draculina Vain (like teh vains which have blodd in dem not the other vain) River (ALEXA/ABSUTMINDEDME DIS IS U!!11!). Vronia stapped masticiciating nd i tanned 2 Draculina.

"Hey.....................I can help u witrh subtracting deh Vulcans" she sed. Then she tok my wrist (which woz all cut and bledding btw) in her pail white hand and we transpotted 2 Hall.

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