A/N: oms my storry art of soucide is FAMMOUS! *sobs happie taers of blod* I luv al of mah fans!!!1!!! u mean teh wourld 2 meh!!!!!!! xxx666
i woak up the next daey and relized I had 2 finally go and kill teh Voltory. I woant doen to teh liberary and read sum goffik poetry and slit my wrasts and dem i went to the Politacil Section and got out a boat about teh Vuvuzelas. Emilie Atomic cam and red wiv me.
"Dokata Amanda White1" she suddenly gasped. "it ses here dast the Voltswagons liv in an alternotaive universe and we can only get dere by sacirficing a prop to Satin and den dronking deyre bload!"
So we went 2 a Bratny Sporks concert were dere woz lods of preps. We killed them and sacrificed them to Suntan and den drank dere bload. Suddenly a portal opened in front of us! I ralised i had to go in alone or else the Volvory mite kill mai fiends (geddit lyk friends but fiends cos im goffik). I put my arms sexily arond Edward and whispered into his ear.
"In case I dunt get out alive... I will never frogget you."
I kissed him on the bagpipes and den he bit goffikly into my neck. Then I grabbed a katana (its a jopanaese sword in cas u didnt kno -- kawaii sugoi desu!!!), put on sum goffik clothes and den I was reddy to be on my way (geddit lyk gerard way?!?!?! lol hes such a fukin hottu i wish i woz related 2 him but if i woz I cuddnt screw him cos dat wud be weird and insects is goss).
I waved godbye to Emilie Ankle and Edwad and den I jumped threw the portel.
Art of soucide
FanfictionHi my name is Dakota Midnight Silver Dakota Autumn Daea'thlee White. This is my story of how I met edward and them we discovered another dimenshion where a lod of preps and posers are tkaing over the world witgh the Volvory and i have to seduct them...