Chapter 10

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A/N: Oj i just wanted 2 fang (lol geddit COS IM GOFFIK!!1) mai fiend (lol geddit) Isabella (lol lyk Balla Swan) fur halping me with the spilling on dis 1. u rok my wold gorl!!!!1!

The next day I wash shitting in my room wehun saddenely Emilie Atom burst intow my rom.

"Dokata MIdnight Silver Dakota Bella Autumn Bethany Bella Germany Dea'thelee Abraham Lincoln White!" she crowed as tars of bloud pord douwn her faeces "The Virgins haev coptured Edrward!"

I stoped slatting my wrists and gobbled in disbelelief. I cucumber beleive it.

"Are you bieng cereal?" I gospelled as I stopped slatting my wrists.

Good Charlotte wosh playeing Good Gob on their dudelsacks in teher background. I felt my eleotridae tingling wiith reauthentication and uncorrelativeness as there superaveraness semihumanismed me (SEE I CAN USE A DOCTIONARY!!!!!!).

I new why dey had stolen Edeward. It wash becauause dey where so jelaous of my beuturfulness. If i wasent so hoat dem Satin wodenlt have given me souch a hard life. I began craying sexily wif tores of bloud bladding down my cheeks.

"I HOTE MY LIFE" I cried derpresereringly. Then all of a sudden Joel Madden fum God Carlotte cam bedoise me.

She begun talking off his pants and den we were boff naked all of a sudden and den we stotted makking out.

"I'll mark you fell better" he debugged sexily. And den we did it on der flour and i wos gronning and den Emilie Autumn joined in. After that we relished soum prepos where starring at us throw the wandow and where masitcating to us so we stukc up ur middel fingerer at dem and finished lyk a goff. after that we sarificied dem 2 Satin and went home.

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