Jk not the end.....AGAIN

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Damn I can't even last a few months without missing this story. Aight. Enjoy.

Andrew's P.O.V.

It had been about a month since Emma gave up on us. I still called and texted her on a daily basis but I never got an answer or response. Seth wasn't talking to me anymore either. It was literally killing me. I ruined my life. Why did I have to have that stupid one night stand. Why did Serena have to exist. I love Audrey but I would much rather she never happened. I know you should never say that about your own daughter but I just can't help it. I love Emma and I lost her.
    A tear rolled down my face as I watched the blood drip down my arm. I set my shiny piece of metal on the counter and grabbed my wash cloth wiping away the new slit in my arm. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. "Your so pathetic" I snarled to myself. I'm a grown man sobbing. I slammed my head back on the wall hard and groaned in pain.
    "Daddy?" Audrey asked peeking her head in the door. I smiled and waved her over. "Daddy what's going on?" She asked looking at my arms. She ran over to me and wiped away my tears. "Don't cry Daddy. Please Don't cry" She frowned. Tears started to form on her waterline and I stroked her hair gently.
    "Daddy's gonna go to sleep. I love you baby girl" I smiled as my vision started to get blotchy. She screamed and I cringed.
    "Daddy! NO DADDY!" She started to shake me. I was out before she could do anything. I felt my limbs grow heavier and my hearing faded. All that was left was a black nothing.
Emma's P.O.V.
I looked at my caller ID to inspect the incoming call. It was Andy's home phone. He never called from the home phone. Against my better judgement I reluctantly answered. There was crying and words that were barely understandable. "Audrey? Audrey what's wrong! Breath." I instructed. I heard the child take a deep breath. She let out a whimper and I gave up. "Don't worry I'm on my way!" I said. I shot up and off the sofa. My heart was racing faster than my driving which was way over speed limit. In mere minutes I was parked in Andrews drive way. The familiar home bringing a natural feel of anxiety. I burst through the door and up the stairs, following the sound of Audrey's crying. I gasped when I opened the bathroom door. "ANDY!" I yelled. I collapsed to the floor. His arms were puddled in blood. I clutched my phone tightly as I dialed.
    "911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked.
    "My boyfriend he's cut himself. There's blood everywhere and he isn't moving. I just got here I don't know how long he's been out please help!" I practically screamed into the phone. Tears staining my cheeks. I didn't even bother to correct myself when the word boyfriend slipped out. It was probably because of me that he did this. Why did I have to be so selfish. I could've just dealt with it. I could've joined Andrew in his adult life.
    "Alright ma'am, help is on its way. Please stay on the line till they arrive" The girl asked. I nodded then felt stupid when I realized she couldn't see me.
    "Y-yeah al-alright" I sobbed. Audrey was hugging Andy and crying into his chest. There was blood smeared on her pink dress and she tried to pick up his arms and wrap them around her but when she let go they fell limp to his sides again. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a shaky sigh. I can't believe this is happening.
    "Have you checked his pulse and breathing?" The operator asked. I should've done that first thing! I shot out towards Andrew and rest a hand on his cheek. It was still warm. I put two fingers under his neck and felt his pulse. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Audrey had huddled up in the corner and was crying into her hands. I rested my head on Andrews shoulder. He's okay. He's still alive.
    "He's breathing and his heart is beating" I responded almost forgetting about the phone. Audrey crawled over and snuggled into me. I kissed her hair and rubbed her shoulder.
    "Alright the ambulance should be there" The operator said as the front door opened. Two men and a gurney made their way inside. One of the guys came in and asked Audrey and I to remove ourselves from the body. I picked up Audrey and she cried into my shoulder. I held her tight as the men picked Andrew up and brought him down the stairs, setting him on the gurney. I wanted so badly to climb into that ambulance with him but I knew I had to be there for Audrey as well. I went back inside the house and sat on Andy's floor, Audrey in my lap. I called Seth.
    "Seth Andrews in the hospital. Audrey found him with cuts..... Yeah...... No I'm at his house with Audrey..... Please.... Thanks" Seth had agreed to go to the hospital and call me the minute he is allowed to have visitors. I was going to stay and watch over Audrey while Andrew is incapable. It's the least I could do, he did do this because of me after all.
Seths P.O.V.
As I walked through the doors of the hospital I instantly felt sick. I hate hospitals. They never resemble good. The lady at the front desk smiled at me and I didn't bother to return the gesture. "Andrew Dawson" I mumbled. She typed on her computer and looked back up with sympathetic eyes.
    "He is in room 212, Please wait in the waiting room till the doctors say it's alright to see Andrew" Her voice was soft and sincere. I gave a head nod and and turned to see a very full waiting room. I internally groaned and went over to rest against a wall. There were to many people and to many eyes on me. I really just wanted to be alone. How could I have been so stupid! I should've known he would react like this. I was just so angry that he hurt Emily. I ran my hand through my hair and felt like screaming. My best friend was crying for help and all I did was ignore him. I could lose him today and he wouldn't have even known that I forgive him. He wouldn't know that I care. He could die right now and I wouldn't be able to say goodbye.
    "Seth?!?" A voice yelled. My head shot up to see a very worried Samantha. She ran into my arms and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry about what happened Seth. I'm here for you, through all of it" Sam kissed my cheek. As much as I didn't want to admit it I was actually very relieved to have Sam here. I buried my face in her brown hair. It was a weird match me and her. I was all dark and 'Emo' looking and she was all bubbly and happy looking.
    "Thank you, love" I whispered. She nodded and I could feel her breath in the crook of my neck. My phone buzzed and I reluctantly pulled away from Sammy to look at it. It was a text from Andys dad. I rolled my eyes. His pathetic disgrace of a father only cares when it's his own image jeopardized.
He did it again! I thought you agreed to watch after him Seth what happened? -Anthony Dawson
It made me so angry how much he pretended to care. All he wanted was to make sure his name wasn't being slaughtered by some suicidal kid. He said that to Andy last time. When Andrew was about Sixteen and couldn't take Emma not remembering him anymore. He tried to overdose. Instead of caring and helping his son all Mr.Dawson did was yell at him for being stupid and kick him out of the house. He bought Andy his own house gave him a car and supplied him with all of the essential needs to live on his own. Then he came to me knowing Andy was my best friend and made me promise to never let anything like that happen again.
I'm sorry Mr.Dawson, I should've kept a closer eye on him. I don't know if he's going to be all right or not but I'm at the hospital awaiting a doctors response I replied. My stomach lurched as I attempted to be nice to the emotionless millionaire. I shoved my phone in my pocket and snaked an arm around Sams waist. She rested her head on my shoulder and I played with her hair. I wrapped her curls around my finger and let them slip. Her silky brown hair calming me as a distraction.
    "Are you here for Andrew Dawson?" A man with a white coat on. He had blood streaked scrubs. His blue surgical mask pushed down to his neck. I nodded and he sighed. "Andrew is in critical condition. He has some head trauma and a concussion we had to stitch a few places on his arms and because we feel he is not mentally stable at the moment we would like to advise no visitors for a few days or till we can see change" He explained. I felt myself tearing apart piece after piece. Sam laced her fingers with mine and squeeze gently.
    "Are you fucking kidding me?!? It's because he can't talk to me that all this happened anyway! If he doesn't have visitors he's never gonna get better!" I screamed. I know I wasn't the only reason he did this but me ignoring him definitely added on. If I had not been so selfish I could've stopped him. I could've been there to make sure it didn't happen. The doctor looked at me a bit surprised. I felt bad for yelling at him but it was true, seeing his friends is what would help Andy most right now. "Please sir. Just five minutes. That's all I need and I promise you when I leave that room he will be even more stable than before" I begged. The doctor scratched his stubbly chin. He was considering it. I didn't think he would actually even consider it.
    "Five minutes" The doctor mumbled as he turned around. I sighed in relief and practically sprinted down the hall. I burst through Andys door and he jumped when I startled him. I gave an apologetic smile. His head was bandaged and his arms were wrapped. His eyes looked hollow and his face was emotionless.
    "Hey" I said awkwardly. I stood at the foot of his bed and his eyes seemed to look right through me. He wasn't himself. I can't believe I let him get this deep into the hole. He just looked at me, not responding. I ran a hand through my hair pushing my bangs back. "Look Andy I'm so sorry. I can't believe I just ignored you. It was so stupid. It's not your fault Emma chose to not get involved with you. It's not like you could control Serena and Audrey. I am so sorry Andy" I said feeling like I was on the verge of tears. A frown crossed his face and he sighed.
    "Seth stop. None of this is your fault or Emma's. It's wasn't even Serena or Audrey's fault either. This was my choice. Thank you for coming but I don't need your pity" He stated plainly. The words hurt and he knew it. I have never seen him this bad. This caught up in his own mind. I decided there was only one person who could fix this. As much as I didn't want to leave Andys side I had to go find Serena.
    "I have to go do something. I love you Andy your like my brother. I don't know how I would live without my best mate at my side" I sighed as I walked back to the door. He didn't say anything. He just looked up to the ceiling. It was excruciatingly painful to see my best friend this way.
    Samantha wrapped me up in a hug once I returned to the waiting room. I was on the verge of a breakdown and she could tell. "I'm here" She cooed rubbing my back. I kissed her forehead and nodded. Samantha isn't as bad as I make her out to be. She is actually quite understanding.
    "Come on we have to go find Andys wife.....er ex wife I guess" I scratched my neck awkwardly. Samantha only knew what Emma would explain when it came to Andy and although she knew Andy and Emily kinda went their own ways I highly doubt Emma actually told her why. She gave me a funny look but didn't question.

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