Chapter Seven (Another crappy EDITED)

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Andy's P.O.V.

"How is she" I asked the doctor once he came out of the room Emily was being kept in.

"Very well actually, I say you did a mighty fine job keeping her awake sir" He responded. I nodded a thank you and went back over to where Seth and his mom and dad were.

"Explain to us again what the hell happened" Mr.Pierce asked.

"Well sir we went to the party then my friend had recognized her as being Chase's ex so we took her away from the conversation then Chase walks up to her and at first she had no idea who he was then we were walking away and he grabbed her shoulder and I geuss she recognized the touch or something cause she remembered who he was and what he did and she just remembered everything and from all the stress I think she just passed out but she fell to the ground and hit her head and then she woke up as I was well she woke up and I tried my best to keep her awake after that and she remembers me and everything that happened before her last coma and then the doctor said she is doing really good" I said fastly.


"Jason, Jason calm done" Mrs.Pierce said rubbing his back and sitting him back down. He let out a large sigh and people went back to what they were doing.

"Im really sorry sir but none of this is our fault" I said

"NOT YOUR FAULT NOT YOUR FAULT are you crazy you are the only reason she went to that stupid party anyway. MAYBE if you didn't try to charm our innocent daughter we wouldn't be here right now" He said through gritted teeth.

"Perhaps your right sir was worth it, maybe not to you maybe not to anyone but for me it was worth it, I would trade all my tomorrows just to relive this day one more time" I said. I felt a smile sweep across my face as I replay her words in my mind. "I remember you" She says over and over.

"What could of happened that was so great that it would cause you to think my daughter being in the hospital is fine, so what you kissed then you went shopping and that was it NOT SO SPECIAL WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT!" He protested.

"She remembers me" I mumbled a little more to myself then anyone else.

"What are you talking about Andy" Mrs.Pierce said shaking her head no at me hinting me that I probably shouldn't tell him. Mrs.Peirce remembers me too.

"I have known her longer then just today sir INFACT I have known Emma for years almost six years to be exact and we used to do everything with eachother we would walk to and from school with each other EVEN though I lived 2 miles away from the school, it was worth it to be with her then we would hang out all the time going and trashing walmart together and having so much fun then one day I finally decided I was going to ask her out I waited outside at the school doors for her like I would any other day but when she came out she was holding hands with chase and she didn't even acknowle me and once I found out she was in the hospital in a coma I was there everyday 11th grade had just started and she wasn't awake so I went there everyday but I started failing my classes and I had to either drop out or leave Emma's side so K made a stupid decision and I went back to school but I still waited for any word on her awakening but nothing. then one day Seth called me telling me she had woken up I rushed over to the hospital and she was laying there so beautifully but something was different and then I find out she doesn't even remember me and she lost her spark of scene and emo...I never talked to her after that I just hung out with Seth and listened to when he would gripe about her all the time but today I got to see her and I got to see her spark she regained her touch of scene and emo and she was my Emma again I did everything I could to comfort her we hung out all day and yes your right we kissed but the best part is SHE KISSED ME I just kissed back but then when I was trying to keep her awake she told me that she remembers me" I said letting all my emotions show. I cried but laughed and smiled at the same time. They all stared at me like I was crazy but I couldn't help it.

"So your that crazy kid" Mr.Pierce said.

"He's Andrew Dawson the boy our daughter was meant for" Mrs.Pierce said with a smile.

"Wait so thats why you were happy when you saw him and her kissing" He said to his wife. she nodded.

"I always hated that kid, But now I see you really do care about my daughter your not like chase" He said.

"Thank you for understanding" I said with a sigh. The nurse came up to us and glared at all of us in the process.

"You may see her now" She said. I looked back to everyone else and Mr.Pierce mouthed go to me so I walked into the Emma's room and she smiled once she saw me.

"Emma" I said running to her bedside.

"Andy or should I say Andrew" She said. When I was younger I did not go by Andy I went by Andrew.

"I can't beleive you remember me"

"I cant believe I actually chose Chase over you" She said. I chuckled and she sat up.

"Was it hard? Having to play along like you just met me" She asked slightly.

"Hardest thing I have ever had to do" I chuckled. She smiled.

"Every thing you have ever done is always just for my own good, I geuss you dont kid around when you say stuff like that"

"I may be a little childish and crazy, I may use sarcasm alot and sometimes I may not always be telling the full truth but any time I ever said It was only for your own good I meant it with all my heart" I said. She looked tired. I could tell she wanted to get out of here as soon as she could.

"Thank you" She whispered. She motioned her hand for me to come closer. She embraced me in her arms and I hugged her back. She seemed weak and a little confused but she was back, the real Emma is back.

"Im sure Seth and your parents want to see you too so I should go" I said stroking her hair.

"Get Seth" She said before I slipped out the door.


Seth's P.O.V.

"She wants to see you next" Andy said patting me on the back. I gave him a weak smile and entered the room. Emma looked at me but instead of happiness or sadness I saw pain and sorrow. She attempted to smile but it came no where close to reaching her eyes.

"Im sorry Emma" I said taking a seat.

"Don't be, Seth you did what you had to do and I am so very thankful for that...I am the one that shold be sorry, I always treated you like crap but I never understood the things you were going through and now I know that you just didn't want it all to happen again so Seth I'm sorry I truly am and there is nothing I can do to take back the pain and drama I have caused you" She said a tear staining her cheek.

"Nonsense Emily you didn't know, I mean theres no way you could have known"

"I understand but I still feel so guilty" she said with a shake of the head.

"Promise me this..." I paused.

"Anything" She insisted.

"Promise me you won't give up on Andy, No matter how much of an idiot he is please keep trying" I continued.

"Don't worry he is a friend you don't have to worry about losing cause something tells me not one thing he does will make me stop loving him" She said regaining the spark of laughter in her eyes. I smiled and nodded.


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