Chapter whatevers lawlz i lost count

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Andy's P.O.V.

i watched her get in the corvette and drive away. I have no idea what i did to deserve someone as wonderful as her but whatever it was it was the best thing i ever did in my whole life. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. i got it out to see i had a message from a blocked number.

Hello Andy, I know your seceret and if your careful i will share it with the last person you would want to know....Thats right i will tell Emily exactly what you want her to never find our

I was very confused at first but then i decided to just go with it and see what happens.

Who is this I asked.

That my friend is something you can find out for yourself

This shit was starting to piss me off and scare me slightly at the same time.

"Ok andy think who would play a stupid prank on you or who would give your number away" i said to myself but the more i tried thinking the more blank my mind got.

What do you want from me i asked thinking over everything.

I want you to do everything i tell you to and if you dont then say bye bye Emily

i was having a mental break down by now and didnt know how to respond.

...Ok I finally said but instantly regretting it.

I want you to go to the park next to your house tomorrow at three oclock. There you will find a bench. Underneath the bench is a note, a note that will tell you what you have to do next.

This sounds so pathetic but i had to do it.... for emma.



I tried going to sleep but it just wasn't working. I got out my phone.

Heyy bae, i cant sleep I texted to Emma

So your going to keep me awake -_- She responded. I chuckled slightly and then the phone slipped from my hand falling into my face.

I think my phone just facepalmed for me xD i said to emma.


What are you jeff the killer or something GAWD

Totez now seriously im tired goodnight And with the the conversation was ended.

It took me a while but finally i dozed off leaving myself in a deep dreamless sleep. Sometimes my mind can be filled with no emotions at all.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was a blocked number. i catiously answered the phone.

"Hellllloooo?" i said.

"Dont forget" Someone on the other line. The voice was autotuned out and didnt even sound human.

"Who is this"

"Come on Andy dont play dumb your better then that" The "thing" said before hanging up. it freaked me out in a way but at the same time i didnt really care enough to investigate any further.


Emma's P.O.V.

"Hey bae" I said as i kissed Andy's nose. He smiled and hugged me. I let him into the house and we sat on the couch.

"Oh Hello Andy" My mother said as she walked by.

"Ello mrs.Danison" He replied before my mom started to turn the door nob on the front door.

"Now you two kids be good while i go pick up Seth" She said with a smirk then made her way out of the house. I looked at Andy and we both laughed.

"What would we do while she was gone that we wouldn't do when she was here" I asked trying to think.

"I dont know.....How bout this?" He said with a smirk as he pulled me onto his lap. He kissed my nose then my cheek and my chin and everywhere but my lips. I bit my lip as i looked at his. He lips curved an evilish grin and he started kissing down my neck and sucking on it. Finally he found the sweet spot and started abusing that one particular spot constantly. I was shocked at everything and just kind of frozen. He continued giving me hickey after hicket on my neck. Finally he moved back up to my face. He kissed me pationatly and i kissed back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i denied. He wasnt very happy. So he bit my lip hard and i gasped. He took the chance to shove his tounge in my mouth and let it explore the knew territory.

"Andy no ewwie" I said pulling away.

"'bu bu bu bu bae!!!" He whined.

"Andy no i have my boundries" I said kissing his cheek. He whined a little more then shrugged and kissed my lips once again. He was having a rough time being gentle for he is obviously not a gentle person. The front door swung open and seth walked in with his hand over his eyes.

"Is it safe" He said peeking through his hand with a smirk on his face.

"Seth your fine" Andy said chuckling slightly.

"Oh thank god" Seth laughed. My mother walked in next carrying Seths back pack and guitar.

"SETH why is mom carrying your stuff" I said flicking him in the back of the head.

"Because im a lazy butt" He said running up the stairs. I got off Andy's lap and walked over to my mom. I took all of Seth's stuff and ran upstairs to his room.

"SETHY WETHY" I teased while knocking on his door.

"Don't even" He said before opening it. I walked in and set his back pack on his desk and put is guitar next to the amplifiar in his room.

"Thanks" He said flopping on his bed and turning on the tv.

"Nuh uh" I said pushing him off the bed.


"You promised to draw Sammy a picture now get to drawing she is gonna be here later and i dont want you to dissapoint her any more then you already have" I said. He groaned and sat at his desk and got all his drawing utencils out and i was about to walk out the door but i ran into Andy at the doorway.

"Oh Hello there" I said. He chuckled and moved out of the way so i could get passed. I walked over to my room and shut the door behind me.

Emma: Sam what time you comin over?

I sent to my bestie. Samantha is only 16 and she has a HUGE crush on Seth. But Seth is a buttface and he is dick to her everytime she comes over. You'de think Seth would be greatfull for the one person that cares about him but no he only pushes her away. I think its because of how young she is. He probably feels pedophileish being an 18 and all.

Sammy: IDK chika maybe in a sec if my mom gives me a ride. is Seth there?

Me: yeah but not for long so chu better get your little butt over and see ur wanna be lover xD

Sammy: Be there in a few

I chuckled and shoved my phone in my pocket. There was a small knock on my door. 

"Whaaaaaat" I whined when Andy walked in. He laughed then sat on my bed next to me.

"I have to go in like ten minutes" He said intertwining his fingers with mine.

"D'awwwww bu bu bu bae i wanted you to meet sammy" I pouted. 

"Im sowwy but i have to" He said giving me a small peck on the lips. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Will you be back laterz" I asked with hope. I really wanted Andy to meet Sammy like really really bad. You don't even know.

"I promise when i finish with my shizznit i will be back" He said smiling. Odly his smile seemed weak though. Maybe he was just tired. Right?

"Mkay luvers chu" I said as he turned to walk out.

""Love you too" He finished. I listened to his steps gradually get softer and further away. Then i heard the front door shut and away with Andy.

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