Chapter 2

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Later on that night sitting infront of the mirror in my room brushing my hair while wearing a beautiful plain white nightgown,looking at my reflection in the mirror with sadness a sigh escaped from my lips until there was a knock on the door then it slowly opened as my mother entered wearing her red nightgown and she was wearing her night shoes aswell she then closed the door. "Scarlet sweetheart..we need to talk,you know we never meant to hurt you but you got to understand that--" before she could finish explaining i cut her in, "Understand what..? that i am not old enough to make decisions of my life! you know it is not fair!" tears once again fell down my cheek but quickly wiped them away and looked away from the mirror so my mother's reflection can't be seen in the mirror.

My mother sighed then opened the door and wished me a goodnight she then closed the door softly,once she was gone putting down the brush and quickly running then opening up my wardrobe then looking at my dresses."If i wear any of these it would give me away so.."Beginning to look through my dresses there was a plain one that looked like a village looking kind of girl dress,grabbing the dress and removing my nightgown quickly changed into the dress i picked and grabbed my brown cloak from the hanger nearby to my door.

Placing the cloak around me then fastening it in the middle placing some flat brown shoes on my feet and grabbing a pouch filled with money and placing it in my cloak pocket slowly walking to the door, with the hood up, then opening it up peeking out there was no guards which was good. Slowly stepping out then closing my bedroom door quickly ran down the hallway until there was light coming from the crack of the door from my mother and father's room. "Honey are you sure it is a good idea for this ball for Scarlet and finding a husband?" hearing my mother's voice "yes it is because it is time she learnt that when time comes she will have to be married then take over the kingdom."

Continuing to hear their conversation until the light got turned off with a sigh then whispering softly making my way down the hallway and down the stairs heading towards the courtyard i was almost there to the secret hole that i found when i was young but then a voice spoke out to me. "Your highness!? what are you doing out here at this time." Recognizing the voice then gulping slowly turning around there stood a handsome teenage knight his blonde hair that was like a gold sand,and his eyes were sapphire blue as the ocean " see" he looked at me with a worried but curious look, "What is it Scarlet you can tell me" he said in a soft voice i wanted to tell him but couldn't because he wouldn't understand "I am..sorry Marcus..please forgive me.." tears fell and quickly running towards the hole and slowly crawling under it "SCARLET!! WAIT!" hearing him shout my name as he proceeded to follow me but couldn't as his voice echoed far away.

Finally safe and faraway from the castle also from Marcus the town was empty of course it was because it was 11:00 pm at night making my way through the town looking for a inn but had no luck "probably this was a bad idea..i should return i must not" being in my thoughts not knowing where i was going until i ended up in a alleyway. "W..well what do we have here?" hearing a dark but creepy voice then turning around there was a man who looked ugly and scruffy as he smirked at me "now what is a young girl like you doing here eh." To scared to answer he started to approach me as i started to back away from him until my back was against the wall "l..leave me alone.." managing to gather my courage then telling him to leave me alone but he laughed and came closer towards me,on his breath there was the smell of alcohol figured he was drinking and he was drunk he then grabbed my wrist and as he did a scream escaped from my mouth.

"Oi i suggest you let her go right now!" the guy turned around and looking over his shoulder there stood a tall handsome teenage boy wearing a white shirt,brown pants and black boots his black hair that shined in the moonlight and his gold hazel eyes with a hint of red in them he also had a sword sheathed in his scabbard that was on his silver belt. "Why should i eh oh let me guess she is your girlfriend hehehehe well then how about this" the drunken man turned to me then pinned me to the wall as he began to kiss my neck roughly the pain was overbearing pleading with him but he ignored until this boy grabbed the man by the neck and threw him against the wall.

Ow..why you little one--" before the man could finish the boy had the tip of his sword to the man's throat which made the man sweat he glared then got up and walked away,as for the boy he sheathed his sword then approached me and helped me up. "Are you okay miss?" he asked me as his voice sound so soft, "y..yes thank you for rescuing me and i was looking for a inn but got lost" the boy smiled then led me out of the alleyway then led me to the inn.

To be continued.

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