Chapter 8

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Today was the day that the tournament of sword fighting was going to happen even though i was excited but nervous at the same time as this was my first time at the tournament plus leon was going to participate and also prince william was going to be there aswell which made me sick to my stomach.

With a sigh hannah entered and began to help me bath me then helped me to get dressed she applied the make up and done my hair for me,once ready me and her left my room then walked down the hallway to meet with my mother and also my father,from there on the four of us headed over to the arena where the tournament was being held. 

As we entered the arena and took our seat on the throne there were lots of warriors who came from far and wide to enter and to win even in the distance was william who smiled and waved towards me but he made me sick to my stomach as i turned my head away from him,hannah whispered in my ear then looking over towards the entrance of the arena was leon,seeing him made me calm and happy that he was here. 

"Knights and warriors welcome to the tournament the rules are simple you will have 60 minutes to damage your opponents and who ever wins will have my daughter's heart and her hand in marriage so i wish you all to do your best"

Father said to them everyone clapped then prepared themselves then the first two knights names were called as they headed to the middle of the arena floor both shook hands and drew their swords then the match began, one of the knight was strong but the other one was fast,in the end the fast one won the fight and moved onto to the next fight. 

The next round started with a warrior and william but merely in a second the warrior was defeated making william the winner he looked then winked at me which made almost throw up,finally it was leon's turn who faced a strong but fast knight the both of them were almost equal but like william in few seconds leon was the winner,those who won the first round were relaxing but most of them were preparing just incase they were called first. 

"I never seen so many determined fighters what you think sweetheart" my mother asked me but not saying anything but my focus was on leon and hoping that he will beat william in the final round and become a winner but something was giving me a bad feeling back william like he had something up his sleeve, the next round started and like in the first round he beaten the knight then headed to the final round,the same thing happened to leon now him and william were in the final round. 

Watching the both of them shake hands and both unsheathed their swords the announcer called out and the fight went off with william also leon matched equally "once i have beaten you princess scarlet's heart and hand in marriage will be mine!" he said as he started to push leon back then managed to slash his shoulder once their was opening. "You will never have her!" replied leon as he gripped his shoulder then slashed william on his shoulder then he side,both of them continued to fight with neither of them backing down but finally gathering their last energy both delivered a heavy but a powerful slash,the anticipation was nerve wrecking but william fell to the ground making leon the winner of the fight. 

Getting up from the throne then running down and running towards leon wrapping my arms around his body he blushed then smiled hugging me back everyone began to clap even my parents then noticing his injuries was bad and called over the medical team then began to treat and bandage his wounds,my parents walked over with my maid and my father placed his hand onto his uninjured shoulder then grabbed his wrist and held it in the air declaring him as the winner,once again the arena was filled with cheers and with everyone clapping,turning my attention to where william used to be he was gone completely but it didn't matter because leon won the tournament and now he has become the love of my life forever and ever until that night while asleep someone entered the castle and began to knock out the every guard and heading to my room.

To be continued.  


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