Chapter 4

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After our day out leon started to lead me back to the inn until a thought came to his mind "say Lillian do you want to spend the nights at my home i mean" he tried to get his words out but a sigh escaped from his lips until then i knew what he wanted to say to me. Turning towards him as he looked at me "you want me to stay at your home because you think i won't be safe in the inn?" replying to his question as he nodded as a yes in reply, " will you.." his cheeks were blushing slightly "of course thank you for asking me," it was settled then noticing the sun was setting so we began to head for his home. 

Meanwhile Marcus left the castle and headed into town to search for me from roof to roof his search continued but didn't have no luck but then he heard two women having a conversation from outside of the inn, "Hey have you heard that the princess has runaway" one woman said as the other one replied "yes i did and i wonder where she is now" said the other. Marcus knew that surely he could get a lead on my last whereabouts,he slowly approached the woman then stopped "excuse me i am looking for someone her name is Scarlet she has long black hair and sapphire blue eyes"one of the women looked at him "ask the innkeeper" the woman said he bowed also thanking the two women he headed off towards the inn. "I must hurry and find the princess" he said in his thoughts as he reached the inn then entered he headed to the beautiful women who had short pink hair and crimson eyes also wearing like a innkeeper outfit "May i help you sir?" asking the innkeeper,he nodded "have you seen a teenage girl who has sapphire blue eyes and long black hair?" he asked the innkeeper nodded "yes she left with a teenage boy who looked cute and very wealthy why do you ask?" not replying he ran out of the inn in a hurry.

After a good 30 minutes walk with reached a beautiful big white house with a fountain in the middle and a beautiful garden with flowers and cherry blossom trees both of us approached the gates then opened up automatically, "Ah master Leon you have returned" a older looking butler named Henry approached us then looked at me. "This is Lillian she will be staying with us also thank you are my parents inside?" he asked, Henry nodded "yes your mother is in the garden and your father is in his study" replying back with a smile. After a short greet by the butlers and the maids we headed inside his manor which was big and very luxurious which made me start to think "Is he a noble boy or a friend to someone who lives here?." Continuing to remain in my thoughts Leon called out to his mother and father two figures entered from what they were doing a tall blonde hair woman wearing a victorian style dress with matching shoes she had crimson red eyes entered along with a tall gentlemen who wore a fancy victorian style clothes and black leather shoes he had a brown beard and sapphire blue eyes.

Short while Marcus's search led him to the mansion we were in but couldn't enter as he knew that there were so many security guards and made it harder for him to sneak in but managing to jump into a nearby tree and waited until nightfall. Later that evening after being introduced by him to his parents and having a meal, sitting in the spare room on the bed sorting my hair out there was a knock on the door, "Lillian is me Leon may i enter?" he said through the other side of the door, "of course you may i am just doing my hair" replying back the door opened up and he entered wearing his night clothes a white t-shirt and long pants,but then he blushed even deeper as he saw me in my purple and white nightgown and my hair down soaking wet. 

"Hey Leon are you okay?" asking him with a worried tone in my voice. "Huh? oh yeah..well um..i wanted to see you before you went to bed" he said as he smiled softly but he was still blushing " erm good night then" he said then quickly ran out of the room slamming the door softly behind him,seeing that side of him made me blush but made me smile aswell. 

Later on in the night once asleep in bed dreams began to appear from my childhood as for Marcus he managed to sneak into the back garden as there was not to many guards then looked up towards the balcony he had a feeling that i was in there so quickly he made his way up the vines and jumping over the balcony wall he walked to the balcony door as he tapped on the glass. Waking up to the sound of tapping,slowly opening my eyes then getting out of bed as i walked to the balcony door there on the other side not expecting to see him was Marcus. 

Quickly grabbing the door and opening it up he entered then hugged me tightly "Princess..thank goodness your safe.." his voice sounded like he was about to cry he then let go off me and placed both of his hands onto my shoulder,"What were you thinking of running away can't you see how much worried your father and mother has been!" he said as i turned my gaze away from his "you..don't understand..mother and father doesn't care."

" know that is not true they love you and they are worried sick about you please you mu--" before finishing his sentence as i cut him off "They are not worried about me at all!! all they worry about is the damn kingdom and finding a future husband! so if you see them tell them i am not returning at all..because i have found the one i fell in love with once again." Replying back in anger he looked at me in silence then sighed softly "princess..then i won't return but at least let me protect you.." he said as he went down on one knee then placed a hand over his chest bowing his head. Looking at him what he just said tears welled up in my eyes as tears began to overflow but quickly wiping them away i nodded as a yes.

To be continued. 

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