Forever and Always (Niall Horan Fanfiction)

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¤LIZABETH (p.o.v)¤ 

It was the first day of High school.I planned to have no have friends.No 'friends' , no problems.I quickly changed and brushed my teeth.I had to catch the bus so I didnt have time to eat breakfast.I sat towards the middle of the bus.I was picked up on the first stop. My life long crush was picked up at my same stop.We quickly reached the second stop. People were pushing to get a seat to themselves, but someone caught my eye.His hair was blonde and pushed out of his face. His eyes sparkled a royal ocean blue.He was beautiful. His beautiful blue eyes met my brown ones. I looked away, feeling my face turn a hot pink. 

~two weeks later~ 

High school was going okay. I couldnt stop thinking about the blonde haired boy.I hadn't made contact with him since the bus.He was so gorgeous. I snapped out of my trance and I walked into my first class, technology. I sat infront of a computer like everyone else and then I saw him.Him.The boy I was thinking about just seconds ago! I panicked inside , I felt like I was going to melt as he sat next to me.I tried to focus on my work but I couldn't as I felt his blue eyes locked on me.He tapped on my shoulder and as I turned around , he spoke In a deep Irish accent. " switched my classes at last minute and I was wondering could instruct me to my classes?''I smiled at how nervous he was as he spoke and nodded a yes.He handed me his schedule , my eyes widened as I realized we had the exact same periods.''Wow, I have the exact same if you want I you to your classes." I told him nervously. He put his hand out and said with a big smile, "Niall Horan"I shook his hand and responded, "Lizabeth Scott" 

●Three periods later● 

My fourth period was lunch, with Niall I walked down to the cafeteria. I got startled as a set of fingers entwined with mine. I looked down to see it was Niall. I smiled from ear to ear.Then I saw My lifetime crush, Justin, He saw me holding hands with Niall and looked away slowly as I saw him turn hot red. 

¤JUSTIN (p.o.v)¤ 

I was walking back from lunch, when I saw Lizabeth. I had been looking for her to ask her out, since i broke up with Stephanie a period ago. I was about to call her name when I saw next to that new kid. What was his name? Niall? Thier fingers were entwined and they were smiling from ear to ear.I thought she liked ME since kindergarten. I stopped her name coming out of my mouth just in time. I felt my face turn bright red.What does she see in him?Lizabeth would be mine. One way or another. 

¤NIALL (p.o.v)¤ 

I loved spending every period with Lizabeth.Her name is so beautiful. Everything about her was perfect. Her flawless hair complements her gorgeous, big, brown eyes.We walked to the cafeteria together, but I couldn't help but look at her lips. They looked so soft, so kissable.I didn't want to rush her into anything so I entwined with Lizabeth.I hoped she wouldn't reject.She didn't, thats when I saw her smile which made me smile even bigger. Her big smile suddenly disappeared. I looked in the direction she was looking. There I saw Justin.I knew about him threw rumors. He was talked about as a player. I also knew Lizabeth had a ''thing" for him.But I was about to change that.I held her hand tighter as I tenced up realizing he was giving me a dirty look. 

○○○○○Chapter 2○○○○○ 

¤LIZABETH (p.o.v)¤ 

My last period was math.I didn't really pay close attention to the lesson.Instead, I focused on my song lyrics.I loved writing song lyrics , I couldn't sing but writing my feelings down relieved myself. My songs were really personal and private. No one knew about them.I heard the bell ring , stuffed my song lyrics in my notebook , and rushed to the bus. I slowed down as I relieved I forgot to wait for Niall. He asked me a question I didn't really know the answer to , " you like Justin?" I panicked , because I didn't know how to respond."Its a long story" was my simple answer.I started walking faster ahead of him.I finally got to the bus and sat next to the empty seat , which was two seats away from Justin. I took out my phone as it vibrated in my back pocket.It was a text from Sophia , my only friend at this school.Besides Justin, but he doesn't count.The text read: 'What's up with the new kid huh? Do you like him? :P' I quickly shut my phone as a recognizable Irish accent asked next to me "Yeah , do you like him?" I jumped as Niall laughed."Soo... um ..Where are you from?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Im from Mulligar , Ireland. I moved here as I turned six so I started school a year later. You're name is really beautiful by the way. I want to name my daughter like that now."He responded. I blushed and noticed Justin looking straight at us. He quickly looked away."So are you going to tell me that 'long story' you were talking about?" I looked at him confused. "You know...about..." He gestured towards Justin as he spoke. I then realized what he was talking about "I can't tell you right know.." I said kind of quietly. 

○○○○○○Chapter 3○○○○○ 

NIALL (p.o.v) 

'' can tell me while getting icecream together..Well you dont ha-"Lizabeth cut me off."I would love to get ice cream with you , Niall!"I couldn't help but smile ear to ear. The bus dropped me off and that's when I realized , I didn't tell her when or where! I turned around bit the bus was already taking off.I noticed a bright pink sticky note stuck to my backpack , it read: 

Text me the time and date , 867-2345 


I smiled until I got home , and got ready to text Lizabeth.  

LIZABETH (p.o.v) 

I got home , threw my backpack on my bed , and got in the shower. I got out and put some comfortable clothes on.I heard my phone vibrating on my bed and I jumped to it.It wasn't from who I expected though.It was from Justin. 

''Why not me? 


I suddenly got a flashback.I remember when he told me I would never become anything special.How I was useless. 

I felt a tear escape me eye.Why did I ever like him? 

''Because he's not you 


I responded then my phone vibrated in seconds. 

"I can change. 

Your so beautiful.  

Give me a chance? 


I ignored his text as my phone vibrated in my hand.Its a text from an unknown number. 

''Hey, it's Niall. How about that icecream? Meet me in an hour?''

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