Help Me

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Niall (p.o.v)

We started driving back from Greg's work and we passed the alley.On the floor I saw a piece of wrapping paper which seemed to have a note on it and Lizabeths purse next to it.I knew it was her's.Don't ask me why.I just do.

"STOP THE CAR!" I screamed.Greg hit the brakes and stared at me confuse.I quickly got out of the car and went next to the purse.I read the note on the wrapping paper.

Yes,I have her.And you won't get her back,Ever.She's mine now.Don't call the police or else.Wouldn't want your Lizabeth to get hurt right?Her parents didn't die either.They're with me too.Don't try looking for her.Hope you enjoyed your time with her,because it's over now.

I cried as I read the note.Someone has my Lizabeth.I crumbled up the note in my hands as I got angry by the second.Greg looked at me confused as he stood behind me.

"Niall,what's going on."

"They took her."

"Who took who?"

"Justin!He took Lizabeth!"

"Niall,lets call the police!"

"No!He said he'll hurt her if we do.I can't risk that.We have to find her ourselves."


"We can't risk it! I couldn't live with myself,if she got hurt!We're going to find her."

"But Niall,for all you know they could be out of state."

"Doesn't matter!I'll hunt her down to the ends of the world if I have to!"

Lizabeth (p.o.v)

I slowly opened my eyes as my head pounded.I'm in a car I can't reconize.I tried moving my hands but they seemed stuck together.I heard in the distance as everything started to clear up "She's awake."I big man pulled me up and out of the car.It was really hard to walk,since I felt so light headed.Just then I was face to face with Justin.


"Let me go!"

"But why?" he said as he kissed my neck. I kicked his leg.He seemed to get mad and started pushing me into a building.I tried to fight back,but it was impossible.

"You know,You shouldn't do that if you want you're parents to be okay."


He pushed me into the room and there next to a big man with a lot of tatoos stood there infront of my tied up parents i've missed so much.

"Mom!Dad!" I screamed as I tried to run to them,but Justin quickly caught me.My parents struggled to talk over the duck on thier mouths.

"How did you..?I thought they were.." I asked still confused as many questions ran threw my head.

"We lit the hotel on fire,but we took out your parents first.Missed them?"


"The same way you chose Niall over me!"

I spit in his face which made him even more mad.He slapped me and I fell to the floor.I heard my parents crying in the background.He picked me up and look dead straight into my eyes.

"Now listen.Im going to take the duck tape off your hand.But try anything stupid,and your parents get it."

I nodded as I cried a tear.He motioned to someone behind us and I felt a tug on my hands.They finally get free to I brought them up infront of me.Just them he pushed me to a guy with curly brown hair.

"Harry,take her to the room,make sure she doesn't escape,And give her some company."

I obviously knew what he ment by 'give me company'.Sick basterd.They boy came closer and exposed his light green eyes.He nodded and took me down a long hallway down into a room with a bed in it.Oh god.

He sat me on it and bowed down next to me and said

"Look,i'm not going to hurt you.I want to get out of here as much as you do."

"Then,why don't you?" I asked confused

"I can't.I owe Justin's family a lot of money.They own me until I can make up for the money.I'm Harry by the way."

"Does he have all these people against thier will?"

"No,only you me,and your parents.The rest get paid for it and do it willingly."

"But what does he want from me?"

"You.He's planning on taking you out of the state with a different name."

"But I-"

"I know you love Niall.But he's going to give you an option.Either Niall or your parents."

He let tears escape my eyes.This can't be happening.

"Here,I have a phone.Call your friend Sophia."

"But how did you kn-"

"Justin told us everything."

I nodded and took the phone.I dialled and she picked up almost imidiatly.

Sophia:Sorry but I really can't talk right now.My best friend was-

Lizabeth:Sophia it's me.


Lizabeth:I'm fine.But I can't leave.


Lizabeth:It's either Niall or my Parents.

Sophia:But you love Niall!

Lizabeth:But I love my parents too and I can't let them die!

There was a long silence.Then I hung up.I gave the phone to Harry and fell on the bed crying.


I hate to see the poor girl so miserable.Im going to help her.

I knew Niall's number,since Justin tells everything.I texted him pretending to be Lizabeth.I know when you send a text,it says an address.

'Help Me' was the two words I texted him.I hope he gets it in time.


Suspence?Sorry XD I'll publish the next cahpter soon!

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