Unrequited Love // JeongCheol

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S.Coups ♡ Jeonghan

The room filled with laughter, as Jeonghan rolled his eyes on coups playfully, then making his way to his beloved Joshua. The others couldn't control themselves, 4 cameras in front of them capturing every moment. Seongcheol pouted for the cameras as the others almost fell on the floor with laughter.

This wasn't something out of blue. The casual affection for each other was turned into a Love Triangle between S.coups, Jeonghan and Joshua by the fans. The members thought to keep it that way as it was fun to see the 3 beaker like that. For their fans sake the 3 agreed to this.

It was really funny and cute at the start but as time passed by, seongcheol felt like an easy target. Though he knew this was fan service, but he felt like it was a bit too much. The members would always pull his leg about how Jeonghan would never look at him, he would always laugh at it, but on the inside he was hurt, because he knew they were right. Jeonghan would never look at him.

What was supposed to be fan service turned out to be a total different case for coups, as he realized he really did like Jeonghan more than a friend should. Behind the camera, Jeonghan was a really good friend for him, when seongcheol needed a shoulder to lay on he was there, when he needed advice Jeonghan would be the one he would go to. It was always Jeonghan.

When the cameras were on, and when Jeonghan would go sit next to Joshua, and talk with him in all Lovey Dovey way, it would always make coups mad. He knew that it was just for the camera, but why couldn't he be Joshua in this act of Love triangle. Why was he the sufferer?

Seongcheol slowly started to change. He would sometimes snap at others if they mess up, he distanced himself from others, would be in his own world and this had not went unnoticed by the members. They were worried about their leader.

Jeonghan tried to talk to the latter, but wasn't successful in getting anything out of him. Jeonghan was worried about his friend, he knew coups had the tendency of shutting people out when he is facing any problem, but he had never ignored Jeonghan before. He would always come to Jeonghan, but not this time. Jeonghan was hurt; he couldn't help but think that he may be the reason for coups behavior. Was it?

"Thank you so much for calling us on your show; we had a lot of fun today. To all our fans, thank you for all the support, please anticipate our comeback. Thank you." Coups concluded with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Say the Name Seventeen!"

And with that the interview ended, with a quick bow to the production crew and the MC, Coups headed out, without waiting for the members. He headed straight to their van that was until a hand made its way on his shoulders, halting him, turning around he came face to face with Jeonghan, Who now bore a worried look on his face.

"Are you ok?" he asked, coups nodded his head, "Out of all the people, you think I will fall for your Lies Seongcheol?" Jeonghan asked narrowing his eyes,

"I'm ok Jeonghan, go back to the kids." He mumbled, "No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on with you. You don't eat properly, you scold the members for minor mistakes, and you barely smile, what is going on Seongcheol?"

"I told you I'm fine, you don't have to worry about it." Coups snapped turning around and heading towards the van, "I-Is it because of me? Did I do something wrong?" Jeonghan whispered, coups froze, he least excepted this question.

There was silence for a good Minute,

"It is, isn't it? What did I do Seongcheol-ah? Tell me. I'm sorry that I hurt you so bad but I don't-" Jeonghan was cut off as coups turned around and looked at the latter. Looking at Jeonghan's face bearing a look of hurt made his heart ache. He place his hands on Jeonghan's shoulder, "No Jeonghan, it's not because of you. Yes I agree that I have been acting different lately, that's because of some issues happening in my family. Once everything is sorted out I will be relived, I promise me acting up is not your fault ok?" Coups lied, his heart breaking with each words coming out of him. He hated lying, but he had to, he couldn't let Jeonghan know about his feelings for him. It may ruin everything. Jeonghan may stop talking to him, hate him. The members may hate me. No. He couldn't bare that. He had to do this.

Jeonghan gave a small smile to his friend, accepting the lies his friend had poured out. He nodded at coups, "ok, don't worry coups, everything will be ok, your family issues will get solved soon. Don't pressure yourself. Remember we all are always there to support you." Said Jeonghan, earning a smile from the latter. "Ok you stay in the van, I will bring the others. God know what they doing in there." Jeonghan commented then heading back to the building.

Coups sat on the van looking out of the windows, guilt growing in his heart, "I'm sorry Jeonghan-ah I lied to you, but I have to do this, I cannot risk losing you forever." He mumbled. His heart acing and calling for only one being. Jeonghan.

From the entrance of the building Jeonghan looked at Coups, who was now in the van. Jeonghan sighed, shaking his head at coups, he couldn't believe his friend. Did seongcheol really think that Jeonghan was dumb enough to not see through the lies seongcheol had blurted out.

Jeonghan's heart broke, he now was sure that he was the reason, coups was being like this. He wished he knew what he did wrong, so he could apologize to his friend. He missed his coups. He felt helpless; there was nothing he could do until coups opened up to him.

"I will wait Seongcheol-ah; I will wait until you're ready. I am so sorry for whatever I did." He mumbled, and with one last look, Jeonghan headed back to his members.

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