Stranger // ChanCheol | Pt.2

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Request by: -shorty

Part 2 of Stranger

Note: 🔞 This Chap is a bit Lemony 🔞

S. Coups ♥ Dino

Chan couldn't understand this sudden rush of feeling. He had never experienced this before. The moment his eyes fell on the latter he knew something about him was different. Ofcourse the older looked like a greek god but it wasn't just his appearance that intrigued Chan it was something more.

The pain he was feeling in his heart few minutes ago immediately subsidized just as the older held his hands. They looked at each other intensely. Chan took this time to look at the charming strangers appearance. That jet black eyes that shined under the moon light,his silky hairs matching his eye color. His face bore a look of leadership but his eyes showed innocence.

"What's your name?" he questioned, as he removed Chan's hoodie cap and examined the younger. Chan felt a little bit intimidated by his gaze but kept his eyes transfixed on the older.

"Chan, My name is Chan" he mumbled, his voice coming out cracked because of all the crying. "Are you ok Chan?" the stranger questioned.

The younger didn't know why but he felt like he could trust him. Trust a complete stranger. The impact that the older had on him had affected him quite a lot. "I-Im fine" he shuttered out a lie.

The older frowned immediately knowing that Chan was lying and not liking that one bit. With a sigh he said "Look, I know you don't trust me, even I wouldn't trust a complete stranger but for now I want your safety and sitting in a alleyway is far from safe so come on I will take you back to your home"

At the mention of home Chan's eyes widened his breath hitched. He pushed himself away from the older, his body not liking his decision. He could see that the older was hurt at his action as well. But he couldn't have it, he couldn't go back to that--that hell hole.

"No! I-I don't wa-want to go back. P-please No. I can't g-go back please!" Chan kept repeating his words almost having a panic attack. The stranger immediately came to his aid, placing his hands over the younger's shoulder he pulled Chan closer to him, "shh, Its ok I won't take you their. I promise I won't, calm down." He whispered softly as he patted Chan's hairs softly trying to sooth the younger.

After a minute or so Chan calmed down. The warmth of the older making him comfortable, the beats of the stranger's heart calming the younger.

"I know this may sound creepy but would you like to stay in my house for the night? I mean only if you want to. All I want is you to be safe and If not your house I don't know where else you would go" The stranger ranted as he then looked at Chan for an answer. Chan bit his lips finding the offer quite attractive giving, it some more thought he finally decided to take up the offer, "I-If Im not a b-bother I would like to stay with you" he mumbled his cheeks heating up in embarrassment, thank god it was dark.

The stranger smiled then held his hand up for Chan to grab it and it just took Chan some seconds to grab those warm strong hand, liking the feeling of his hand touching the stranger's.

They walked few steps before Chan halted making the older stop in his tracks as well. He looked at Chan with a confused look, "What's your name?" Chan questioned now realising that he hadn't known the name of the attractive hunk.

The stranger smiled, "Im Seungcheol but you will call me hyung"



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