Unrequited Love// JeongCheol

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Part 3


Jeonghan huffed deep breaths as he sat on the wooden floor of the dance studio trying to catch his breath. He had been practicing his routine that he had problems with. Hoshi being the responsible leader, was helping his hyung wherever he lacked.

Jeonghan didn't exactly wanted to leave Seungcheol alone in the dorm, but he had to perfect his dance steps. After about 2 hours of practice he finally decided that he needed a break as he sat down grabbing his bottle and quenching his thirst.

His moment of peace was cut off by a phone ringing. Jeonghan grabbed his cellphone from his bagpack then smiling when he realized whose call it was.

"Hey babe" Jeonghan exclaimed brightly instantly after he clicked on the answer button.

But his smile immediately turned into a frown when he heard whimpers from the other side.

"Seungcheol? Seungcheol, babe whats wrong?" Jeonghan questioned, his heart racing in fear.

"J-Jeonghan, please help m-me" came a whisper from the other side, making JJeonghan's worry increase.

"Coups whats wrong? What happened?"

"Jeonghan pl-please just come ho-home, Im scared" Seungcheol hiccuped. Jeonghan got up from the floor, immediately packing his bag back. "I will be their soon, just please calm down okay?" Jeonghan exclaimed after getting an ok from the latter he hung up the phone, as he walked hurriedly.

"Where are you going hyung?" Hoshi questioned with a confused look. "Seungcheol needs me" was all Jeonghan said then heading out of the dance studio and running home as fast as he could.

Hundreds of questions came through Jeonghan's mind. Why was Seungcheol crying? Did he have another one of his episodes?
Did he try to hurt himself again?

It had been months since Coups had his last episode. The therapy was helping him quite a lot and he had been much more of his self lately.

Then what happened suddenly?

As all these negative thoughts increased so did Jeonghan's worry. His legs now speeding up.

After about 15min of running, he finally reached the dorm, immediately clicking the pass code and entering the house.


Jeonghan called out, as he made his way towards their room, sweat dripping from his forehead from the extensive practice and then the run he had.

He opened the door, only to find the room empty, he reached the bathroom hesitantly opening the door, "Seungcheol-ah?" he called out again but again he found no one in the bathroom.

Jeonghan frowned, his heart beating heavily. Fear and worry entering his heart. Jeonghan headed out of their room to the kitchen, then to all the other rooms calling out his boyfriends name but no luck. He then headed towards the living room, a frown on his face.

Nobody was in the house. When he had head out of the house this morning with Hoshi no one said they had any plans to go out then where were all of them?  and most importantly where was Seungcheol?

A sick thought entered into Jeonghan's mind, what if Seungcheol did hurt himself and was now taken to the hospital by others and they didn't want Jeonghan to know, knowing that he would worry too much.

Jeonghan bit his lips, his eyes burning as tears whelmed up in his eyes just by the thought of Seungcheol hurting himself. With a shaky hand Jeonghan grabbed his cellphone, searching for Joshua's contact, small sobs coming out of his mouth as he was preparing for the worst.

But his phone fell from his hand when suddenly he felt two arms around him holding him, "Hey babe" came a whisper.

Jeonghan turned only to see Seungcheol stand in front of him with a cheeky grin on his face. The sad sobbing S.Coups that had called Jeonghan minutes ago was nowhere to be found but was replaced by a goofball standing infront of him.

"April's Fool Jeon-"

Seungcheol started but was cut out by a loud shriek, "Seungcheol!" Jeonghan yelled as he hugged his boyfriend tightly, tears streaming down his face on to Coups's shoulder. The smile on Scoups face disappeared as he held Jeonghan close.

Jeonghan started hitting his fist on Seungcheol's chest weakly, "Why would you scare m-me like that you idiot?!  Huh!? Did you know how scared I-I was? Y-You can't fucking prank me like that" Jeonghan sobbed.

Seungcheol bit his lips trying to stop the smile that was pushing its way on his cheeks as his boyfriend threw a fit. Though he feel guilty for making Jeonghan worry but he just wanted some fun.
Guess his plan didn't turn out too well.

He held his hand up, touching the latter's chin making Jeonghan look at him with his teary eyes.
"Im sorry han-ah I didn't mean to scare you. I should've given more thought to what I was doing. Im so sorry" Seungcheol exclaimed with guilt. His eyes looking at his lover sadly.

Jeonghan hiccuped wiping his tears, "Its ok, just don't ever do it again" he mumbled, placing his head on Coups's shoulder. Seungcheol immediately laced his arms around Jeonghan, securing him in his own embrace.

"I thought you hurt yourself again, I was so worried" Jeonghan mumbled onto the leader's shoulder, making Seungcheol take a sharp intake of breath, his eyes shut as the memories came back to him, he shook his head trying to shake of the thought as his held his boyfriend closer to him.

"Im fine Han, I promised you I will never hurt myself and I going to keep that promise. Just like you kept your promise of always being by my side. Thank you han-ah thank you for bringing life back in me." Seungcheol confessed, kissing Jeonghan's forehead.

Jeonghan smiled, as he laced his arms around Seungcheol's waist and held him closer to him if that was even possible as he whispered,
"I love you Seungcheol"

"I love you too"


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