Doubts // SoonHoon

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Request by: HARIMXXI

Woozi ♥ Hoshi

It was a warm comfortable morning, the sound of birds chirping, the smell of the morning dews, the clam and quite surrounding was something to be experienced.

Woozi sat on the couch as he looked out of the window, sipping the cup of coffee he just made. The morning was so pleasant, he felt fresh, energetic and when he felt energetic he would work more.

Well he could have worked more as his peaceful moment was ruined when a click on the door was heard indicating it was unlocked and it didn't even take seconds before loud chatters and laughter's filled in the Dorm.

Woozi groaned, his energy drained before it even surged in. 'They are back so early' he thought. It wasn't that he hated them in fact he loved and cared about his members. It was just that, facing them meant facing him.

The members decided to spend their day off by some early morning walk and a cup of coffee or tea on their favorite shop. Everyone was ready except Woozi who decided to enjoy his slumber. It also meant that he could have sometime away from him, and can also clear his mind.

"Oh, you're up" Joshua exclaimed as he noticed Woozi on the couch near the window, the latter just nodded his head then concentrating back on nothing particular. "Good Morning Jihoon-ah" Hoshi exclaimed, Woozi took a sharp breath, without even looking at hoshi he nodded his head as a response then immediately heading back to his room.

Hoshi sighed, looking down at his shoes in utter sadness, noticing the sudden change of the latter's mood Joshua walked towards him patting his back trying to distract his mind, "Go freshen up Soonyoung-ah" he said, hoshi nodded following his hyungs instruction and walking silently to his room.

A knock was heard by Woozi snapping him out of his thoughts; he looked at the door only to find Seongcheol near the door "Hey" Coups exclaimed

"Oh, hey hyung, come in" he invites the latter in.

Seongcheol neared Woozi, sitting on his bed besides him, coups sighed looking at Woozi with a disapproving look. "What?" Woozi questioned confused at S.Coups weird behavior.

"Don't act innocent Woozi, I know what you have been doing, the question is why are you doing this?"

"w-what are talking about?" Woozi shuttered knowing exactly where this was going.

"Look Woozi, I know you don't need my advice or a big lecture of how to deal with all that is happening with you. All I have to say is the more you ignore him the more it will hurt, if you keep pushing him, it will just make things much worse. It's not just your choice Woozi, it's his too, he chose to follow his heart, don't you think you should too?" Seongcheol exclaimed.

Woozi looked at him, eyes wide as seongcheol had knocked some sense in him. "You know hyung with telling me I don't need an advice, you just gave me one." He pointed out, making the older chuckle in amusement, "Well, did it work?" coups questioned.

"You just made me realized what a big of an Idiot I am"

"Then go Idiot, Go get your Man" Seongcheol exclaimed making Woozi groan in embarrassment.

Woozi sprinted out walking straight to the room opposite to him, knocking it softly, "Come in" came a voice from the other side. Woozi took a deep breath, 'This is it' he thought, then opening a door.

Hoshi jumped out of his bed, his eyes wide in surprise, "Jihoon, you.. I-I.. What happened?" he shuttered not exactly sure why the latter suddenly decided to show up.

"Hoshi-ah, I-I just wanted to say that I-I.. I... I'm Sorry" Woozi exclaimed, silently cursing himself. Why was he chickening out?

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" Hoshi questioned,

"I have been ignoring you from past few days and I'm so sorry for that, I promise that I would be more interactive from now on" Woozi promised, it was a half truth.

Hoshi smiled, his heart fell with that his expectations falling as well. "That's alright Woozi-ah" he said smiled sadly, his eyes not meeting the latter's.

"Ok Then... I will l-leave you now" Woozi exclaimed giving hoshi a small smile then turning around and opening the door to leave. But how much ever he tried he couldn't take a step. His heart wouldn't let him, he had to do it, after all this he couldn't chicken out now, it was now or never.

Woozi turned back facing hoshi again. He looked at the confused being in front of him with a sigh he started, "Soonyoung-ah I-I w-wanted to..uh.. I.. Uh.."

"What is it Jihoon?" questioned the latter.

"I'm sorry, I.. Uh.. I'm.. I-I" Woozi shuttered again, in his mind he had already killed himself thousand times, Come Woozi, Just Say it' he encouraged himself.

Hoshi chuckled, looking at the latter in amusement, "It's ok Woozi, I told you I-"

"I love you" Jihoon blurted out, his eyes staring the floor, too nervous to know the latter's answer, for a minute there was complete silence in the room, making Woozi nervousness double in seconds.

"About Time you Idiot" Hoshi exclaimed, playfully narrowing his eyes at Woozi.

"w-what?" Woozi was beyond confused; he looked at hoshi, his head tilted in confusion. Hoshi stepped closer towards Jihoon, he could sense the nervousness of the latter making him chuckle in amusement. He cupped Woozi's cheeks with his palms making Jihoon look at him, his eyes wavering in embarrassment,

"Jihoon-ah, I Love you too, I have since the day I saw that beautiful smile of yours. I tried, god I tried to show it to you so many times, but your dumb self never noticed that. And I know that you have been ignoring me past few days because of some reason and now I know what it is. I have always loved you and I always will. I know that the society, the media, maybe even our parents may not support us, they may hate us, but I assure you of one thing, our fans, our member's will always support and through every problem, all the hard time I will always be by your side" Hoshi confessed.

Woozi's heart fluttered in happiness, he was so happy to know that the feelings were mutual, that he had fallen for such an amazing being. Woozi kissed hoshi on his cheeks making Soonyoung blush in embarrassment, "Come on" Woozi exclaimed grabbing the latter's hand.

"Where to?" Hoshi questioned looking at Jihoon in confusion.

"I think it's time the boys knew that I have found my soul mate" Jihoon exclaimed, a smile evident on his face as he dragged a blushing hoshi out of the room.


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