Lust // JiHan

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Request by: pxperplanes

🔞This chapter contains SMUT.🔞

Jeonghan ♥ Joshua

"Today was fun" Jeonghan giggled, his eyes shinning in happiness as his make up popped his eyes. Joshua just nodded, his attention not completely on the latter.

Jeonghan removed his black coat then heading towards the mirror to wipe his make up off as he watched Joshua silently change from his costume to his ordinary clothes.

Seventeen had just finished their Halloween party and were now getting ready to head home after a tiring but fun day.

Being the hyungs, both Joshua and Jeonghan let the youngers change first, then changing themselves as the others waited for them.

Jeonghan frowned as he noticed his once cheery friend now being so silent. He watched him from the reflection of the mirror, Joshua's face bore a frown, his jawline was in a clear view as if he was gritting his teeth, his eyes blinking rapidly, trying to focus on something but failing.

Jeonghan turned around, as he looked at the latter intensely,



"What's wrong?" Jeonghan questioned, his eyes blinking in confusion, his makeup still smeared on his face. Jisoo snapped his attention from fixing his t-shirt to looking at the latter.

For a second he said nothing, just looked at the long haired blankly, then mumbled a 'nothing'

But this just proved Jeonghan that there was surely something wrong. He got up from the chair, slowly heading towards his friend, Joshua's back was facing Jeonghan, and so he was startled when Jeonghan gave him a back hug.

Though this was their normal way of showing friendly affection but today Jisoo was in a different mood.

"Seriously what's wrong?" Jeonghan questioned, his voice muffled, as he placed his head on Joshua's back.

The grip on the chair that Joshua had been holding on tightened, he was trying so hard to control himself but his Angel of a friend was too hard to resist.

He bit his lips, as he tried to resist his urge, but when Jeonghan hugged him tighter,his breath hitting the back of Jisoo's neck, his member was too close to Jisoo's ass, that's when all hell broke loose.

With one swift motion, Jisoo turned around, grabbed Jeonghan by his shoulder and slammed him on the wall near them. Jeonghan gasped in surprise, his eyes wide like an owl, as he tried to process what was happening

"Jis-Jisoo w-what...?" Jeonghan shuttered but was cut short by the latter,

"Shut up" Jisoo snapped, his body pressed against Jeonghan, they were so close that Jeonghan could feel Jisoo's breath hitting his lips, a new sensation growing in him.

"You seriously know how to piss me off, Don't you?" Joshua snapped again, his hands gripping the latter's shoulders tightly.

"I don't understand, what are you trying to say?" jeonghan exclaimed, his voice coming out as a whisper. His eyes weavering from Jisoo's eyes to his lips.

"Cut the crap Jeonghan, I saw the way you were with Mingyu and Seungcheol. I saw how you let them touch you, the way only I am allowed to hold you" Jisoo pressed his body on the long haired angle, their length touching, a slow groan came out from Joshua's mouth, as the lust in him growing by seconds.

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