Bloody Secrets // SeokWoo

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Request by: VxJimin_Vmin95
(Sorry i couldn't do the smut for this one but I promise to write smut for your other request)

Genre: lemony
              vampire au


Masochist --
a person who has masochism, the condition in which sexual or other gratification depends on one's suffering physical pain or humiliation

Seokmin hadn't realised it. He hadn't ever thought that it could be possible, or that he would be one. It was quite a discovery he made.

Seokmin had always been someone who was intrigued by things that people considered wrong and forbidden. He always wanted to see and try things that people wouldn't consider in their wildest dreams.

Was it the thrill of it that pulled Seokmin towards it? He wasn't sure.

But this side of Seokmin, the side that craved for something most people would consider sin was shut and locked deep in him. He couldn't let that side of him to overpower him because he knew people would then consider him crazy, sinful and would hate him, loath him even. So he made a personality for himself, the one who was bubbly, funny and all flowers and sunshine. He created this side of him to hide his true self and it worked like charm.

People loved this Seokmin, they loved seeing his smile, enjoyed his company. But was Seokmin satisfied? No. How could he be when he was hiding his true identity, his true self.

This went on, he later on went to achieve his passion, became a trainee, made friends and at last was grouped together with twelve other boys. It was quite easy for him to make them like him with his charms. But what he didn't realise was that soon he would no longer be able to hide his true self, no longer push it back in his heart as a deep dark secret.

It happened during a hot summer day. Seventeen had planned on going on the beach-- as it also was a favorite spot for most of them. Unfortunately wonwoo couldn't join them due to his weak health. He had caught cold and so couldn't enjoy his time with the other's. They had almost thought of cancelling the small trip but Wonwoo insisted for them to go and that he would be fine alone.

Seokmin ofcourse joined the other's but for some reason he suddenly didn't feel well. It felt as if the exciting idea of going to beach wasn't exciting to him anymore. His mind would go back to where his hyung was, in their dorm, probably sleeping his fever out.

His heart pulled him towards his hyung, wanting to go and be besides him and take care of him. It almost felt that he was committing a crime by leaving wonwoo alone in the dorm. Was he the only one feeling this way? Were the other's not worried?

On their way to the beach occasionally they would talk about Wonwoo, and would pity for him. He had worked hard too, just like others and deserved this mini vacation but instead he had to be stuck in that four walls. The sympathy they shared for him somehow enraged Seokmin. He didn't want them to pity his wonwoo.

His Wonwoo

Seokmin's eyes widened, what was he thinking? What was this sudden feeling, this sudden pull?

At one point it turned out to be too much for Seokmin. He had to go see his hyung he couldn't care less about the beach. Excusing that he wasn't feeling well and reassuring that he will be fine after some rest, Seokmin took a cab to head back home. His heart thumping loud with time. Never before had he craved to want see wonwoo this much. This was a foreign feeling for him.

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