Highschool // ChanHao/ChanSol

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This chapter in not an Imagine but a Scenario.

I had actually thought of making this a one plot story I had in mind but I gave up on the story. But because I spent my whole night writing the first chapter, I thought I would atleast post that.

So yeah.

Btw, The plot of the scenario is something I have been through.


> Hell a lot of Cursing.
> This chap is purely platonical.

( enjoy my weirdness :)))) )



High School.

A place filled with dysfunctional humans, who have no idea what the fuck they are doing, some walking around like dead weight, some annoying brats while some-- not sure why are they even there. This place which is suppose to have a systematic education system with a balance of physical activity and enjoyment for the students, is nothing but a bunch of bullshit, because seriously, who the fuck pays attention in their PE class.

In simple terms,

High School equals to Hell.

But you see, there is a difference between the Hell that is described to be the ultimate place for the people who commit sin and the Hell that has converted innocent kids into sinners, who-- well, are ultimately going in the above mentioned Hell.

Again there is a difference, this supposed High School can be termed as a sweet and sour Hell. Confused?

When mentioned sweet, it simply means that this is the ultimate place where you actually enjoy your life. Where with the worry of grades also comes the fun of fooling around, making friends each day, being a rebel amd what not.

Sour, is again, the fucking grades you got to keep up, the fake friends, cliché love stories with the same result, the pressure put by the parents, teachers on the students -- this list just goes on.

You might think, why the fuck are we reading a detailed description about how high school works? cause clearly you might be going through the pain right now or have been through it or are going to be.

But this story is not about you, you selfish brats (I love you). This story is about a seventeen year old Lee Chan. A boy who is going through the same pain as you are, or have been or going to be.

Lee Chan can be described as a hybrid. You might think, what the fuck does that mean? and no, this is not some werewolf shit. In his case, Hybrid here simply means that he is a mix of both good and bad. Good, as in the kid is a straight A (sometimes B cause math is a pain in everyone's ass), listens to his parents, good to his teachers and seniors and is even good in sports.

And when said Bad, Chan does have some flaws-- hey, nobody's perfect. The kid could be a bit sarcastic (thanks to Chandler), he is someone who doesn't understand thd term 'sugar coating'. If he hates it, he would voice it out. (That's been a main reason for him to have friends from 6 down to now, just 2). But the ultimate problem of all,
Chan is someone who hates rules, loaths it even. He hates it when he is been said to do something in a particular order that he doesn't wish to do. It irritates him when he is been told to act in a particular way so he could be given respect.

And there are many out there who go through this. There are many just like Chan. Teenagers who hate to do something in a particular order. Who love to live with their own rules. A simple term for them is rebels.

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