Amnesia // JiJi

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Request by: ParkBeykyon
Genre: Angst

Joshua ♥ Woozi

The calm winds that would kiss their skin as they walked together on the beach. The warmth of the sun hitting their pale skin. The shy glances and sweet smiles, the happiness and laughters.

Jihoon never thought that he would miss all those small little things. Things that he never cared about much before.

Like how Jisoo preferred to drink coffee while sitting on the balcony and how he hated when Jihoon would slurp his coffee. The smiles that would draw on the older's face when Jihoon would get annoyed by little stuffs. The way Jisoo would frown his brows while bitting his lips when he would be deep in concentration.

Jihoon misses every single one of these little things. People say we never realise the value of something or someone until we lose them and Jihoon now realises the truth behind it.

He regrets it.

He regrets all those times when Jisoo would want him to spend some time together but he would deny it. The times when his hyung would try to cook for him but he never once appreciated the older's efforts. When Jisoo would want to hold hands but the younger would get too embarrassed to do it in public. Jihoon regrets every single moments like those.

But time cannot be rewinded back. He can do nothing but suffer the pain that he created himself.

Jihoon closed his eyes trying to shake off all these thoughts from his mind, at least for now. He walked through the hallway, the familiar faces looking at him and smiling, Jihoon doing the same. He reached in front of the blue door, his heart thumping hard, hands shaking. This wasn't the first time he has been here but each time he is here he feels nervous. It feels as if his heart would tear out of his chest anytime soon.

Jihoon let out a deep breath, hands gripped tightly on the flowers in his hands. With a shaky hand he pushed the door open, his eyes immediately adjusting with the brightness of the room. He walked in, eyes travelling to a very familiar being that sat on the bed, his back facing Jihoon.


Jisoo jumped slightly at the sudden presence of someone and immediately turned around. Jihoon noticed the frown on the older's face and knew what was to come.

"w-who are y-you?"

It hurt, it hurt like tonnes each time Jisoo uttered those words. It made Jihoon want to pull his own hairs while screaming out loud in frustration but all he could do was put a smile while pushing back his pain.

So that's what he did. Jihoon smiled at the older as he walked towards the small flower vase. Removing the flowers that were a day old and replacing them by the new fresh once he just brought. Jisoo watched every move of the unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar stranger.

"You want to know who I am?" Jihoon questioned earning a nod from the older who waited in anticipation for some explanation.

"Do you remember anything about me?" Jihoon questioned again. A small part of his heart growing warm in hope. Hope that maybe just maybe his hyung would remember something about him.

"You look familiar but I-I can't, I just can't..."

"hey hey, its alright don't pressure yourself okay?" Jihoon stated as he walked near his hyung and sat besides him. Jisoo looked at him with sadness, "Im sorry that I can't remember you. You seem to be a part of my life maybe someone important but I just can't remember. Im so sorry" Jisoo exclaimed as he fidgeted with his fingers.

Jihoon smiled, still the same old Jisoo. Always polite and kind to other's even when he doesn't recognize anything about them. "It alright hyung. I will help you okay, I will help you remember. I will always stand by you even when you think Im nothing but a stranger. I will always be there for you" Jihoon stated.

Jisoo smiled softly, his heart warming at those sweet words but at the same time guilt filling in him. How could he not recognize someone as kind as this stranger? Those eyes looked so familiar yet Jisoo couldn't remember them.

Jihoon folded his leg Indian style. He looked up at his hyung and smiled while he patted his lap. Jisoo's heart immediately bubbled up in happiness as he obliged the offer without any hesitation and layed on his bed, his head on the latter's lap.

"So, where do you want me to start from?" the younger questioned.

Jisoo thought for a bit then exclaimed, "hm, you can start by telling me your name"

With a chuckle Jihoon stated his name then continuing with all those small pieces of memories he had of his hyung. This was not something he was doing for the first time. He had narrated all those memories to Jisoo yesterday and a day before yesterday as well and Jihoon was quite sure he would have to do the same tomorrow as well.

But Jihoon was okay with it.
He would repeat all of it again and again and again for his hyung until Jisoo recovers completely. He wasn't going to loose hope.

He wasn't going to let go of his Jisoo.

so i watched Attack on Titan yesterday, haven't slept a blink until now but it was worth it.

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