My Guardian Angels // JiSol

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Request by: taco1cat
(I hope this was worth waiting :))

Genre: Angst|Sweet

Joshua ♥ Vernon

Hansol pov.

Three months,
Twelve weeks,
Ninety two days.

That's how long I have been clean. I know I had given you my word. My promise, but you know I was never good with promises. I wasn't good at anything, but you would always tell me otherwise.

When I whined about the bruises that decorated my face and which were a mark of strength for my bully, you sat besides me tending my wounds, cooing sweet nothings like I was nothing but a child. Yes I was childish.

While I cried about life not being fare you smiled at me, trying to give all the happiness that you stored for yourself.

The world's so cruel. It judges you with each step you make. Curses your every move, discourages your hard work. They smile at your pain, and frown up on your happiness. The black mist of selfishness has clouded upon each heart.


That's what I was, a selfish fool.

While you bore a smile on your face for me, I gave you nothing but my pain to share. While you held my hands tightly and gave me reassurance, I gave you my tears and sadness. While you kissed my scars away, I made new once.


That's what I was, a blind moron.

While I whined about my bullies, my eyes lost their ability to see that deep cuts in your arms, those whip slashes in your back given to you by your own blood. While I was creating new scars over my skin you were trying to tend yours.

How funny is life? It takes away those who have a purpose for their living and lets those live, who are of no use.

You were gone, and so was my smile. You took away the only purpose of living I had. I often thought it was my fault that you left me, maybe I was too much for you. My pain was just adding to your own. I was a burden.

That day, just like any other I waited for you in the park. Planning all exciting stuffs we could do for the day. I waited for you. Fifteen minutes, Thirty Minutes, an Hour, two hours.
But you didn't show up.
Oh how mad I was at you.

I went home that day, the biggest mistake that I ever made. I should have walked back at your house, asked you what happened but I didn't because the selfish being in me was mad at you. The blind self in me didn't see the outcome.

"Yesterday we lost a kind and happy soul. Our beloved student and classmate Boo Seungkwan has left us. Cause of death, suicide. He will be remembered by us all"

My ears ringed, mouth dry. Had I heard it right? Had I really lost you?

Reality hits you like a tone of bricks. Mine hit me straight in my heart, piercing deep needles in it. You left me. You left me all alone. Again I was thinking about myself, being the selfish fool I was. Cursing you for leaving me.

But you still were the kind soul you always were. You didn't leave me all alone. You didn't let me fall back in the misery and pain I had placed myself in before. You sent me and angel.

He said he was your cousin. I believed him.

He said you both were close. I was jealous, but still, I believed him.

He then said that he understands me. I chuckled dryly.

He said he cares for me. I glared at him.

He said he would never let me go. I snapped at him.

No one could understand me except for you. No one.

But you know Seungkwan he proved me wrong.
Hong Jisoo.
He proved me wrong. He made me smile again, made me laugh again. He washed my pain with his smile as my medicine. He kissed my scar and cried for me to stop.

I stopped Seungkwan, I stopped. The moment he shed those tears I stopped because I couldn't let an angel like him shed tears for me. I promised myself to keep him happy, so I asked him once what made him happy.

"your happiness is mine" he said.

So I did it Seungkwan. I did everything that made me happy. I did it for him. I did it for you.

Slowly I realised that my heart wasn't just beating for me anymore. Now it also needed the touch of the angel to function well. My heart was his now, and I had never been this happy.

You always said that if you love someone, let them know about it. To not keep it a secret because it will slowly kill you from the inside. So I told him, I confessed to Jisoo.

And do you know what he did?

He kissed me. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Tears coming down from his eyes. When I asked him why he was crying. He said that he never thought that I would open my heart for someone except you.

And he was right. I had made my mind to never fall in love again. Never give my heart again. But he is different. He always has been. He gave me his precious time, he gave me his warm hugs, his sweet kisses. He gave me love.

Don't you dare think that I will ever forget you Seungkwan because I won't. Because you were the one who saved me from myself, while he taught me to live my life.

You both have a special place in my heart that no one can take.

Sometimes he would tell me all those funny stories of all the stuffs you both did together and then I would tell him ours. The stories often ended up making me cry. Cry for you but he would always be by my side, soothing me, whispering sweet nothings to me.

I have to accept the fact that you are gone now but know that you would always be in my heart.

We miss you Seungkwan, we both do. But we will wait until we can reunite with you again. Until then we will make new stories each day, so when we meet you, we can all sit together and laugh and cry about the memories.

And you know the promise he made to you? He hasn't broken it seungkwan and he promises to never break it. I believe him.

He will never let me go.


was this ok? :/

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