In the YouTube Crew

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Finn Harries love story and Youtube fan fiction

Disclaimer: The author is not associated with all publicly recognizable characters/people in the story. All publicly recognizable settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story.



It wasn't a sign of exasperation or a cry with exaggeration; it wasn't even disagreement to opinion.

This no was simple and clear: I won't do it.

I paced my bedroom as I did for the last hour; holding my phone up to my ear while I argued for dear life.

"Are you actually saying no to your best friend?... Who is in grave need of assistance by the way" Tyler said as-a-matter-of-factly as if daring me to take the conversation any further to my side.

And yes, the Tyler does precede Oakley.

Tyler Oakley is one of my best friends. He's a brilliant YouTube video blogger and is quite famous actually; but we go way back.. before people started calling him by his full name and he was just Tyler. Even then, he always had gorgeous blonde hair which I love.

Tyler is the human embodiment of confidence and I am one of the lucky ones; I can actually have an awesome person be my best friend with him knowing it.

Still, that did not make me waver.

The years of friendship; the fact that the request is only necessary due to him breaking his fifth metatarsal which means he's probably in a lot of pain; the chance to see my other YouTuber friends were all of very small gravity in my mind.

That is how much I do not want to go to Florida.

"It's Playlist Live, come on Seige! Have a heart!" he pleaded "I just need you to help me because girl, I will fucking die out there without you... I am on crutches for the love of Pete!"

In my head, I quickly ran through the conversation so far and tried my best to see where it shifted from "Hey, how's the L.A. life treating you so far?" "It's awesome" to "Be my Pack Mule for the YouTube convention!" "..."

"I don't know Tyler, I don't belong there. What will the other vloggers say?"

"Seriously? I will snap your neck in half. You know most of the YouTubers there and the others will just have to motherfcking mind their own motherfcking business unless they want me as an enemy and btdubs, I am not too happy with you either. I am in pain here! And you're worrying about new girl I-won't-be-accepted bullshit? You are a grown woman Seige Collins. Jeez. Could you act 20 please?"

I shuddered at the use of my complete name. It's never a good sign.

"Language Tyler" I said calmly; although, this is completely normal for Tyler and I. We can actually bitch at each other without holding grudges. I think it's kinda neat. No forced pleasantness or mediocre kindness.

True enough, that was only the beginning of an hour long speech about experience.

I've always admired and envied Tyler's ability to formulate an entire monologue in an impromptu situation. There is definitely no winning when you're in an argument with him. He is just too smart. Every argument I had was shot down with a better statement from him. He could be a damn lawyer.

"Do you have other plans? Like more important than me? Are you hiding from someone?" he guessed; beginning to sound disappointed for real.

I winced. Far from the obvious, I actually am not a heartless person. In fact, this is the first time I made Tyler go far into asking for a favor. It's usually "Okay. Where to?" after the first sentence.

That's how much I do not want to go to Florida.

I know Tyler is in pain and as his friend; it's practically my job to take care of him. I shouldn't even be standing here right now, I should be packing and heading to San Francisco to collect him for the trip...

but I really don't want to go to Florida.

There's nothing wrong with the venue of course; the event isn't so sucky either...

But as I swallowed and said "What the hell am I saying? Of course I'll help you" I felt a death sentence carving itself into my heart as if it was a gravestone...

Because Tyler is right, I am hiding from someone.

And screw the probabilities because I know for a fact that he WILL be there.

He's Finn Harries.


Hey you! Thanks for reading! Listen, One of my lovely readers Samwitchalls240 has been selected as 1 of the 5 finalists in a competition to design an Australian stamp for the G20. The design she did is called CANBERRA HIGH STAMP. The thing is, it's public vote. I would really love for her to win. You can vote for her work at this link: .Voting closes on the 30th of November (2013, of course ;)) so please hurry. we would both really appreciate it!

The link will also be in the comments so you can just click on that :)

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