Chapter 6: Missed

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"This is cute! Huh? Huh?" Bethany parked a giant stuffed Experiment 626 toy in front of my face.

"I'm not having fun Beth" I said flatly. 

It was the 5th store she forced me into and I was getting impatient.

I appreciate her gestures to make me feel better but the actual healing process just isn't to my liking. 

I just want to go home, wrap a blanket around myself and basically just... rot. Well, maybe die first and then rot.

I know. I'm disgusting. A little over a week ago I was fully functional and was completely happy with my single life. Now, I'm an emotional blob with actual suicidal tendencies. Honestly if past-me could see me right now, she'd punch me in the face with pleasure.

"Look at this!" Bethany replaced the stuffed toy with a Stitch maxi skirt.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as this was turning into something like a master-pet thing. Bethany thinks she can make me better by bringing me cute things like a cat would take pride in bringing its master silly things like dead mice.

I sighed "I'm not having fun" I put down the candle I was browsing absently.

"Fine" Bethany hissed; resentment coloring her tone. She dropped all the Stitch merch she initially wanted to hoard and took me by the hand; dragging me out. "I didn't want to this but you're forcing me"

We stopped at a nearby bench a few yards from the store and she dug her scarlet purse; bringing out her bedazzled iPhone a minute later "Here"

I sighed and shifted my attention to the sky. It was getting dark. A little to late to call a man who boarded a 1:00 pm flight out of the country. "He's already gone if I should call him is what you're implying"

"That wasn't the implication" she shook her head "Listen to the voicemail he left me"

I met her eyes instantly. She was serious. I hesitantly took the phone and did as told.

Finn's deep voice greeted me; I practically smashed the phone to my ear in order to bask in the warmth it cradled me in.

"Will you do me a favor and head over to Seige's flat? I know you two are close. I only want to be definite that she's alright. I left her messages, asking her if... "

There was a long pause; for a moment I thought the message already ended but then I heard him clear his throat and then sniff.

Was he crying?

"Well never mind. The point is, her decision is final and I'm leaving. Just keep her company, please"

I couldn't hide the emotion in my face as I handed her the phone back. The night breeze suddenly became treacherous needles; the innocent passers-by seemed far away.

"My point is, you chose this. You rejected his last attempt to build a bridge. You want to fix yourself. I know it’s hard but you need to try" Bethany went on her pep talk; oblivious to the fact that my mind wasn't with her anymore...

because I didn't reject Finn's last attempt. I saw no such message...

because my phone...


"It’s cold huh?" I interrupted casually even though my insides were squirming in absolute panic.

"Yes and my mum is probably wondering where I am but that's not the point" She replied smartly.

"We should go then" I declared quickly.

"But we were talking about healing!" she protested; rushing after me as I was already ahead to the parking lot.

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