Chapter 13: Blame

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"No, you go."

"Come on Finn! Move it"

"You're the one he's eternally in love with!"

Finn and I were at the door to Oli's bedroom; taking turns elbowing each other to determine who should talk to him.

"Go in the goddamn door and talk to him" I hissed "If it's possible to OD on alcohol, he would have last night. The hotel manager had half a mind not to let him back here but instead, send him to the hospital"

"I most certainly did not stay here all night only to lecture him about his problems now" Finn had his hands up as if to say I ain't touchin' nothin'

"I stayed too! Your argument is invalid!"

"I cleaned his vomit" Finn shot back. That put him at least a hundred points ahead in the argument. 

So I sort of just...

"Please. Please. Please, Do this for me" I pleaded "I can't speak to him, it's too awkward. I can't even... I just can't"

He groaned and looked heavenward "If it comes to a fight, it's on you"

I did feel selfish and insensitive as Finn entered Oliver's bedroom. The others had to disperse immediately after VidCon in order to prepare for Summer in the City; and after getting Oli to safety (not to mention sobriety), Tyler got Caspar on a plane following the others to England where the event would be held.

It was settled.

Tyler would fly out with Oli tomorrow evening and Finn and I would catch a flight to London not long after that. It was safe and well thought out...

Except no one discussed it with Oliver yet.

I paced in front of the door; carefully listening for any sign of tension inside.

Minutes past but all was silent. I was expecting to see Finn's triumphant smirk, but instead was met with that look.

The look that made me want to start apologizing for no reason. He was fuming.

"What?" I tried to meet his eyes but was unsuccessful. "What happened?"

"I..." he exhaled heavily "I threw a book... at his face"

"FINN!" my eyes widened "Why would you do that?"

"He refused to even look at me, let alone talk to me!" he reasoned; his voice rising.

"That's no reason! You know he's not completely sober." I scolded "Tyler gave us one job for fuck's sake keep Oliver in one piece 'til he gets back... and you decide to attack" I scolded some more "Idiotic move Finn.gawd."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself." he shrugged

"You couldn't---?" I pressed my lips into a very thin line to hold the curses in. "Unbelievable"

"Relax. He didn't even bleed. The book hit him flat on the face and it just sort of... fell. He didn't even say ouch. It was paperback" he grinned.

I allowed myself a small exasperated smile at that... but Tyler sure didn't, because when he arrived all hell broke loose.

"Okay I don't know what ya'll motherfcking did in the very short time I was out but now, Oli wants to ride with either one of the two of you... BUT NOT ME." Tyler had his hand on his waist; in full tell-off mode as soon as he finished talking to Oliver. 

"He wants us apart" Finn huffed

"And he will GET his way" Tyler's eyes were bulging out "because you threw a freaking book at the boy's face"

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