Chapter 3: Exactly.

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I sat on the warm asphalt pavement near the grand hotel entrance as I patiently waited for the staff to finish loading our things back in my car. I lay back against the concrete pillar and closed my eyes; listening as the sounds of the city exemplified themselves.

I tried to pry my mind away from the fact that all the other YouTubers were only a few meters away; thinking of other random things like how many 'most beautiful women' there are. If every man about to marry calls his bride the 'most beautiful' and every boyfriend calls his girlfriend 'most beautiful' then wouldn't there be like a thousand 'most beautiful women'... implying that they can't all possibly be 'most' beautiful women' unless they all look exactly the same. And another thing, it's also --- 

"SHIT!" I heard myself gasp in shock.

I instinctively pulled my hand out from under the retarded foot that stepped on it. 

I looked up; intending to send curses flying in every direction as I cradled my now dusty and slightly injured hand.

"Oh my god I'm sorry. I didn't see you!" Finn said in absolute panic; seizing my hand.

"How small am I that you missed me completely?! or should I be asking how daft you are for the same fcking thing?!" I said in a strained whisper as I tried to pull my hand away unsuccessfully.

Ever since our last row, I’ve followed a strategic plan in order to not see this boy at all; I switched ways, stayed in my room, didn’t eat the same time as everyone else, snuck around just to get to Tyler’s needs. And yet here he was once more, literally inflicting pain upon me this time.

"Oh my god, it's bleeding!" he said; pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket.

"Gee, you think?? Do you know how heavy your foot is? god!" I winced at the texture of the fabric as he wrapped it around my hand "and what are you wearing? Soccer cleats?? Blithering idiot"

He smiled as if I just offered him a compliment "Isn't it about time we act like adults and treat each other... you know, not like this?"

"What? with unneeded violence?" I held the back of my hand to him.


"I don't think I'm ready for --"

I gasped as Finn multiplied; Jack popped out of nowhere.

"What happened?!" Jack stared at my hand; horror-struck. Tiny spots of blood that were soaked in by the fabric manifested.

"Some idiot stepped on me," I stole a quick glance at Finn who looked like he'd been cheated. "Finn was just helping out. Don't worry, it's just a scratch"

"Yeah" Finn nodded; then did something inexcusably horrible to me. 

He kissed my hand.

I kid you not; he pressed his soft lips against the top of my injured hand.

Why would him kissing my hand be unspeakably foul to me? 

Let me explain... when Finn and I were together, he became the only person I was dependent to. Somehow, he was the only person I permitted to change my emotions. If I was angry at the world, he'd kiss my forehead and I'd be okay; If I wanted to slit someone's throat, I'd run to him and he'd make me feel better. He was also the only person I showed my weaknesses to... like blood. I hate seeing blood. 

Whenever I'd hurt myself, I'd always go to him and be the weakling I was. He'd take care of me and kiss me and say that it'd be all better. It was our thing.

So, is he making fun of me right now??

You bet your ass he is.

"It's all better now" he smiled; I wanted to rip his face off.

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