Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


     Why did it have to be her. Anyone but her would have been fine by me! Even Potter would be better right now!

     I walked back over to the chair and looked at her face.

     She looked peaceful in her sleep like nothing was bothering her.

     It made me smile. As soon as I noticed though I wiped it off my face.

     No that's not what you should be thinking about. What if she found out!? How did she get in here in the first place I thought my two minions where out there!?

    No matter I better get rid of her somehow. Something caught my eye before I could think of something though. I turned to look at her face once again since I had moved it away to think properly. I saw her face twisted so it looked as if she was upset.

    I walked over in front of the chair and kneeled down. I looked closely at her face. I was so close that I could see the ever so faint freckles that where dotted across her cheeks and her nose. You wouldn't notice them unless you where as close as I was or you knew they where already there.

     She looked really upset.

     Then she opened her eyes. She fluttered them open and I could see her hazel eyes. They started at me a moment before growing wide and she turned her face away. I could see that her cheeks were tinted in a light shade of pink.

      I quickly realized why and moved my face back a bit.

      I can't just sit here doing nothing I have to do something! Or else father might get mad at me if he found out! She's probably a half-blood or a mud blood anyway.

      I shivered at the thought but turned my attention back to the matter at hand. I grabbed her wrists so if she was going to do magic it would be hopeless now.


     *end of dream*

     Everything started to fade out and my eyes slowly fluttered open.

     When I got used to the light I saw that there was a face in front of mine. But not just any face. It had to be his face.

      My bully's face. One of the reasons I wanted to come here in the first place. My eyes grew wide at the realization. Not just of who he was but of how close our faces actually were to each other. I turned my face to the side hoping that he wouldn't see the faint blush I got.

      Ya he's my bully but with how close his face was I'm sure anyone else would too. It's not like he's ugly.

      He moved away slightly which relived me. Then I felt something binding my wrists together.

Whatever it was was warm.

      Wait. Is that his hand!? Just one hand can hold both of my wrists!? Well I guess it's not a surprise with my small wrists it could be easily done.

      I felt tears start to come to my eyes as I think about what was going to happen now. Also he was gripping my wrists really tight and was right on my cuts.

      I felt a tear slip through my eyes that were now tightly shut not wanting to see the scene that was unfolding before me.

     I waited in anticipation for something to happen...but nothing did.

     I slowly opened my eyes to see why there was no yelling, no spells, no violence. I saw before me a broken boy.

     His hair was facing every which way. His eyes had huge bags under them. His face looking all around skinny. To sum everything up he looked terrible.

     Now wasn't the time to feel bad for him though. He still was a lot stronger than me and still had my wrists trapped. I started to wiggle around moving my wrists ever so carefully so as not to hurt them even more than he was already. Moving my whole body hoping to somehow get him off me so I can try to run away.

    He didn't let that happen though. His grip only got tighter to the point where I let out a small whimper. Suddenly something came over to us and dropped into his available hand. He brought my wrists up and then tied them with what I found out to be rope. Smooth real smooth dude-.-

     "Get up."

    Nodding I shakily got up from reasons such as one, sleeping in an awkward position and two what if he's going to bully me more? Last time it was really bad. I don't want that to happen again. My breathing became slightly ragged and my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going  to fall out of my chest.

    We had started walking through the piles of things him in front of me checking back every now and then to make sure I was still there.

    Like I would run away he's much stronger than me and doesn't have his hands tied behind his back.

    And who's fault is that.

     Not mine leave me alone.

    Last time I did that it didn't end up to well did it

    Just go away I don't like you in my head.

    Hmmmm no it's rather comfortable here.

     You suck you know that.

     It's what I do

     Ugh whatever.

     I was snapped back to what was actually happening when I ran into Malfoy's back. I then realized that why I ran into his back was because we had reached where we were going this whole time.

   There was what looked like a room with a metal door being the only way in or out.

    This isn't good I suggest we run now while blondie over there is unlocking the door

   No if I do he can easily chase after much faster then I can run at the moment because incase you haven't noticed my hands are a bit full.

    B-but......but what if........what if.......he rapes you.

Somehow Steve made it so he can whisper in my head and of course for me to get paranoid he just had to whisper the part about rape.


      My head snapped in the direction of the voice came from which would be the so called blondie.

       His face looked so pale and his hair was all over the place. All together he looked sick. Which made him even scarier when he was showing no hint of any emotion on his face. It doesn't help that I have those.....memories...of the other times we've talked.

       Out of fear my feet moved across the floor towards the metal door and past Malfoy.

       On the other side of the door was a room about half the size of my dorm. It had a twin size bed in the far left corner a thin rug in the middle of the room and a small wooden desk with a chair on the left right next to the door. As I looked over the room more I noticed a door on the right side of the room that I guessed lead to a bathroom.

      This reminds me of home only home was worse. Please don't let anything bad happen to me!

      I felt a hand on my shoulder and was then roughly shoved inside.  And I hit the cold stone floor.

Oh my god guys I'm so sorry about not updating in forever. Please forgive me >.<
Anyway I was working on this and kept changing how the room was and weather I should have the hands tied or not and what her face looked like up close and all of that stupid shit. Also all of this fucking homework they give us it's suffocating. So I hope you all enjoyed because I don't really know when I'm going to update again but hopefully a lot sooner this time.

Harry- psh like that's going to happen

Me- you will shut your mouth before I come over there and shut it for you -_-

Harry- *rolls eyes vote comment and share this story with people I guess I don't really care. I NEED TO KILL THE DARK LORD!!!!!!!!

Me- 0.0 chill man chill

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