Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


I'll do it. I'll just do it. I...Draco Malfoy...will tell her how I feel.

As I walked up to the door I could feel my palms getting sweaty with anticipation and nervousness. I curled my hand into a fist and knocked lightly on the metal door hearing the sound afterwards resonate throughout the space.

I heard some shuffling coming closer towards the door.

Oh god why did I think this was a good idea again?! I mean if I look at it from her point of view why the hell would she say yes? I mean I tormented her, and teased her, and violated her on more than one occasion.

The door creaked open, shit its to late to go back now. SHIT WHAT WILL FATHER THINK IF SHES NOT PURE-BLOOD?!?! WHAT HAPPENS IF SHES A MUDBLOOD?!?!?! FUCK!!!!!


I heard a soft knock on the door. What does he want now? It's probably to harass me more.

Then why did he knock, he could have just opened the door?

Whatever, I shuffled reluctantly to the door practically dragging my feet across the cold floor of my prison.

I carefully opened the door hoping what awaited me wasn't a verbal, mental, or physical beating of some kind.

I peeked out of the crack and then opened the heavy piece of metal to where you could get a full look at not only the room but myself as well.

In front of me stood a platinum blonde who was shaking only the slightest bit. What happened now, I thought he was done with me a few minutes ago. Those moments flashed through my head and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks just the smallest bit no matter how hard I tried to suppress it.

I finally looked up through the pieces of hair that had clumsy fallen in front of my face in order to see the face that was merely a few inches away.

How close was he standing to the door jegus.

"I...uh....I was thinking....that....that maybe there was a slight chance of us being a thing?"
What the hell just happened?! Did the Draco Malfoy ask me out? Why would he do that I mean he's only ever been mean to me. I guess there were a few times when I think there was just a hint but seriously?!

See I told you he liked you. But noooooo don't believe the always right subconscious. Why in the world would you evveeeerrrrr want to do thaaaaatttt?

Really? Right now?

Yes right now.


Well are you going to give him an answer or not the poor dude is already sweating buckets and has been waiting for about 5 god damn minutes.

Well your not helping by distracting me now are you


My point.

I was suddenly snapped out of my argument with myself when I heard the guy who was here in front of me speak up again.

"I get it...why go out with me...the one who has hurt you on numerous occasions. Why would anyone do that. I get it...just...*deep sigh*....just forget this ever happened ok."

He slumped his shoulders and lowered his head in the slightest as he began to walk away.

No! He didn't give me time to answer! I need to be a good person and at least say something to him.

My mind was spinning as fast as the wheels on a winning race car. I couldn't think straight. I could barely tell up from down and left from right. What the hell am I doing!?

Without processing it completely my body moved on its own. It took vigorous steps forward and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt that was fit over his body just for him. I pulled the best I could in order to force him to turn around and then I did the craziest thing I could possibly do.


Ahahahahahahaha suspense for you my ducklings. >:) What ever will she do? Idk...actually yes I do know but tell me what you think anyway I love to read your comments like seriously they make my day. So please please with a sexy Sylitherin prince on top tell me your thoughts and ideas throughout the chapter.

Ron- why would anyone in their right bloody mind would do that

Me- Ron...ill give you till the count of three

Ron- oh so scary

Me- one

Ron- your not a wizard what could you do

Me- two

Ron- go ahead finish nothing's going to happen

Me- three *pulls out wand I stole


Me- AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA *waves wand out of control sending sparks everywhere


ME- *stops mid wave

Ron- *sigh don't forget to vote, comment, and share *wispers not that you'd want to though

Me- what was that

Ron- Nothing!

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