29 August 2014

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Since the time I had switched on Emily's iPod, I have been only listening to the songs. Some sad, some romantic, some cheerful and some dramatic - the playlists was really long and to my surprise I liked most of the songs. It seemed as if she knew my taste.

As I was busy listening to these songs and trying to figure out if I knew Emily, the doorbell rang. Thank god the doorbell was loud enough for me to hear even after the earphone.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning."

"Here is your letter sir and this is the parcel along with it."

"Thank you. By the way what is your name?"

"I am Peter."

"Thank you Peter."

"My pleasure sir."

He handed me the letter and the parcel and walked away.

I decided to open the parcel first. The parcel had a grey t-shirt inside. It didn't look like her t-shirt at all.

I kept the t-shirt aside and opened the letter.

Dear Stranger,

I know you must be wondering that why have I sent you this t-shirt. And I am pretty sure about the fact that you don't remember anything related to this. So I'll tell you the story.

Do you remember anything about my nightmares? The ones that used to freak me out and I ended up crying every night? The story of this t-shirt dates back to a day like that. It was the month of July and it was raining heavily. I used to stay at my place which was just a few meters away from yours. That night I saw a dream where you had left me forever. I couldn't help but cry to myself. I puked a few times and tried to sleep again but just couldn't because the thought of losing you kept on troubling me. So I decided to walk to your place. I didn't care about the rain because at that moment the only thing I wanted was to be in your arms.

When you opened the door, you kinda freaked out to see me. My eyes were red and I kinda looked like a lifeless body. My hair, clothes and everything else was just too wet and I was shivering way too much. Just then you hugged me and brought me in. That hug made me forget everything.

I was so happy that night. You made me soup and gave me your t-shirt to wear. I told you about my dreams and that was when you had said again that "leaving you is only possible when I die." I had stayed at your place that night. We cuddled up together and you helped me sleep. You even sang a lullaby to help me sleep and kissed me before I slept in your arms.

I still used to wear this t-shirt whenever I had those nightmares but I had to send it to you again. I hope you'll bring me back this t-shirt when you come to meet me.

I love you.

Take care.



I unfolded the t-shirt and wore it. To my surprise it fitted me perfectly.

Who are you Emily?

Hello everyone! I am so happy today. All thanks to your comments which made me smile. Thank you so much for your love and support.

I need your help. A few people have been suggesting me to shorten the time span to 2 months. Do you people think that 2 months would be better than 3 months?

Please tell me about your views and thoughts.

Thank you once again

Keep smiling always.


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