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"Are you awake?"

I tossed and rolled over the bed, hearing voices calling my name. I squinted opened my eyes and I saw the familiar violet curtains hanging. "Allison! You're finally awake!" I groaned as I sat up, feeling my head hurt like shucking hell. I saw Jess rush over and pour a glass of water with a jug that was prepared by my bedside table as she handed me a coloured pill I didn't know off. "Here, swallow this. It'll help." I nod gratefully and popped the pill in my mouth, gulping down the pill with water.

"Why am I here? The last place I was at the stairs.."

Jessica sighs and avoids eye contact. "I found you at the stairs passed out. So, I brought you back." Passed out at the stairs? But, why?


{ The following part contains trigger warning such as suicide, depression etc. If you are not able to handle it, please skip this part. Don't say I didn't warn you. }

My phone rang all around the library, I ran out blushing and answered the phone.


"Hey, it's Zack. I'll be running late for a bit. Hope you don't mind."

"It's fine, Zack. Take your time."


I groaned and stared at the ticking clock hung on the beige walls. It's been 15 minutes since Zack called and he hasn't made contact since. Depressing doubts crossed my wandering mind but I quickly shook it away. He wouldn't. Because, he's different. Right?


I bit my lip and slung my bag around my shoulder, carrying my History book. He's not coming, he ditched me. Of course he would. Why are you so stupid, Allison? There are so many more prettier girls out there and he would've chosen me? That's such a joke, I'm shit. He's probably laughing his idiotic ass off with Edward and his friends now that I fell into his prank so successfully. I gulped and quickly blinked back the tears that were fighting to come out as I ran out the library.

I reached the dorm block and walked up the staircase since the elevator was still in repair. Although the staircase area was quite wide, I felt suffocated and not at ease. I leaned against the wall for support as I dropped my sling bag and my thick History book, sounding a rather loud thud on the marble floor. Finally, I allowed the warm, salty tears roll down my cheeks. He certainly ditched me and I was so oblivious to his stupid prank because once again, I let my stupid emotions take over.

I started hyperventilating deeply. Shit, I'm having a panic attack. The dangerous ones. And no one's here to help me calm down. No one's here for me to hold on to. F*cking hell, I'm so weak and stupid. I can't even depend on myself anymore. I always need someone. I hate myself. For being so weak. For being so stupid. For being such a shitbag. For being such an asshole to always easily believing people.

I'm such an idiot, easily letting people in and when they hurt me, I'm such a mess. I blame myself. I blame myself for this stupid shit of a mess I made. I'm always building my walls up again. I built up my walls and being so oblivious to the idea that I just let someone easily into my heart and crush those walls. Everything, gone.

I dropped onto the floor, sobbing hysterically. I felt long, gnarly nails digging into my bare skin and pulling me into their dark, parallel universe. But this time, I had let them. I had let them pull me in. I didn't struggle to escape. I let them with ease. Darkening thoughts and whispers surrounded me as I felt myself being pulled into a never ending pit of darkness, depression and anger.


"No one wants you here."

"You're so stupid."

So, this is how it ends. How I finally escape from the bullies, from the liars, from the cheaters, from the people who've always judged me for every single little thing I did. This is how I finally escape from reality.


I felt myself falling at an impeccable speed down the never ending pit as I felt more rotten, long gnarly nails dig deep into my shoulders from both side and pull me down, feeling like my whole body being ripped into half. My heart ached like hell as if someone had shoved their hand in and pulled my heart out.

Yeah, this is how my life ends. How I finally get to escape. I don't have to run anymore. I don't have to fear anymore. I don't have to feel pain anymore. Because I'm finally escaping.
I closed my eyes and breathed out my last breath. I finally get to escape from the dark and painful reality with death.

And I'll welcome it with open arms.


{ If you skipped it, you're safe now. }

"But, I-" she sighs and leans in for a hug, embracing me with all she had. "Hey, my brother's an asshole. Don't be all depressed and shit because of him, okay?" I try my best to fake a decent smile and nod at her. "Good! Shit, I'm late for class. Bye!" She grabs her phone at the last minute and dashes out of the door in a hurry. I sigh and fall back onto my bed, covering myself with my blanket since the temperature in the dorm was freezing cold.

I got out of the bed and wore my bunny face slippers that was gifted to me by my late grandmother, few months before she passed due old age. I walked to the temperature setter and set it a bit higher just as I hear several knocks on the door. Curious, I make my way to the door, unlocking it before opening the door, putting on a fake decent smile to greet the mysterious guest.

But, as the door opens, the only thing that happened was hearing my heart thumping faster as I started fidgeting with my fingers.

"Zack? What are you doing here?"


Author's Note;

hello! does anyone of you listen to greyson chance because lez all be honest, he's bæ af.

my favourite song from him ever is afterlife and meridians! oh and did you guys hear Made In The A.M.? the whole album is so good i can't even asdfjklsjdjd !!

anyways, this sunday im having an outing with my classmates and it's gonna be fun af bc we're going for ice skating yasss !!

oh and i made the cover for this story, you guys like it hm ;) well, of course you do i mean come on it's fabeles XD

okay im gonna go now lolol ;D

ilya, byee!

much much love,

elsa <3

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