Chapter One

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"Olivia! It's time for dinner, Hun! Please come down!" Judy's voice seamed through my bedroom door startling me from my book. Romance novels always fascinated me, the fact that men give themselves to women for love. "Olivia!"

"I'm coming," I yelled back at her down the stairs. I looked into my dresser mirror as I passed by the dresser in my room. My long brown hair covered my shoulders until I put it in a bun before leaving the room.

I walked into Judy's dining room to see the table full of food and both Judy and Mark sitting at the end of the table. I looked around for their other foster child Brian but he wasn't in the room. "Where is Brian," I asked after I sat down.

"Brian decided eating wasn't that important tonight. Now, dear, would you like to start prayer?" Her voice was a bit strung and high pitched but I nodded obediently. "Dear our lord in heaven...." Brian Tabor was my foster brother, two years older than me and more strong willed. Judy was a huge Christian and when any of us even think about questioning god or whoever she believes in, she'd hit us or burn us. You got used to it after a while.

Once last year I told her I didn't want to pray at the table because I didn't believe in god and she asked me to leave the table. Later that night she came into my room with a lighter and a needle. She burned the word: SINNER into my lower back. It hurt but I couldn't move when she was sitting on me with her knees pinning my arms down. Brian wasn't home at the time but when he had returned he laid ice on my back and nursed it. Ill always have those scars from her. Brian has been looking out for me ever since.

I was reading my book when I heard knocks on the door, "come in!"

The door opened letting Brian in in his usual dark faded jeans, hoodie, leather jacket, and his favorite old school black Chuck Taylors. "Hey, Liv. How was dinner?" He walked in and sat at the end of my bed.

"It was fine. How'd you piss off Judy? Again!"

"Can't help it, Liv. She pisses me off too damn much. She told me that she wanted me to take Zanex to chill me out."

"You don't even bother them!"

"I know! So, uh, how's your scar doing?"

I knew he was talking about the word SINNER on my lower back. I turned around and pulled up my shirt to reveal it. Last time I looked at it it was the same pink swollen lines. "Does it still hurt," he asked me. "No, not anymore."

I felt him nod and lay my shirt back down. "You okay?" He nodded again.

"Olivia, there's this ball thing at the Royale Hotel in Princeton. Skylar is going with some guy and I want you to go with me." I rolled my eyes, Skylar is his ex girlfriend that he has been dying to get back together with. She's a royal bitch but she makes him happy. "It's a masked ball, Liv. Please go with me?"

I looked at him, "when and what time, Brian?"

"8:00 to 11:00 this Friday."

"I'll go. "

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