Chapter Six

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I woke up in the middle of the night in cold thick sweats. I couldn't breathe and I had to move. When I stood up it was humid and this all around the air. I had heavy breaths and it was making me sweat even more. I sat there thinking about what I should do, until I thought of somewhere else to sleep.

I walked upstairs until I got to Alexander's room. I slowly opened the cherrywood door and tiptoed over twords his bed feeling the cool conditioned air hit my whole body. Good thing I changed into his boxers, my dress would've made so much noise! I walked over the the right side of the bed and looked at his back, so soft and lean. I laid down beside him and felt my body immediately warm up and invite every feeling around me in. I loved it, so I immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up again in the morning I took a large refreshing sigh, I was so comfortable and warm, I smiled to myself and rolled over to the warm soure while pulling the comforter over my shoulders. I cuddled into the source that warmed my body until I opened my eyes to see another pair of green ones stare back at me. Alexander was laying right beside me giving me a smirk of amusment. Honestly, how full of himself is he? They should build a monument twords his self senterment. "Sleep well, Olivia?"

I smirked to myself as I turned and got out of the bed then seazed a gasp as the cool air hit my bare legs. I turned and hopped right back into his bed wanting my heat back. "Why is your room so freaking cold?"

"I like it cold. My body is naturally too hot so instead of sufficating on my own body heat, I keeo it really cold in here. Besides the ladies seem to respond well to the cold air." He winked and I rolled my eyes and curled into his chest loving his over hot body. I took another sigh which distracted myself from feeling the bobby pin that was holding the top half of my hair up, come out with my hair immediatly falling as well. I looked up at Alexander's firmly featured face and melted. His face had more lively color in it and his smile was heartly. I smiled at it myself. "You look so beautiful with your hair down, Olivia. You're absolutly stunning."

I smiled feeling my cheeks blush a warm color. His hand ventured from the side of my face, down my arm, and to my hip bone that wasn't covered by his T. His hand ventured a little to the right to press me closer I guess but instead I felt his breeze over my scar on my lower back. As soon as I felt his fingers on it I jumped out of the bed not caring if the cold froze me or not. "What is on your back, Olivia?" I just shook my head and leaned against the wall. "Olivia, was that a scar? What happend?" I shook my head again, determined to hide it until he said, "Olivia, don't make me force you to show me." I felt my whole body get goosebumps. His voice when he said that was so fucking hot I couldn't breathe. When I didn't respond he lunged for me.

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