Chapter Three

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Brian hadn't come back for an hour when I looked around the room I finally found him dancing with Skylar. I knew that would happen at some point. I exhaled deeply rolling my eyes as I turned to leave until I walked right into a flat hard chest.

I backed away feeling so embarrassed. "U-uh I'm so so so sorry! I-" I felt to see if my small silver mask was still covering my face.

This man was so gorgeous. His brown wavy hair was pushed back and his bright green eyes made me melt. "I am SO sorry. I'm such a clutz-"

He waved it away. "Stop apologizing ma'am. There is no need."

I let go of the breathe I hadn't known I'd been holding. I was so relieved that he wasn't pissed. I still was though.

The man looked over around himself and saw the door which I was headed for. "Leaving so soon? This is a grande banquet, a grand masked ball! You can't leave now."

I looked at him with soft sad eyes, "sir, I don't belong here. I'm embarrassed now and my date left me. I-"

He cut me off again, "Your date left you? That's unforgivable and unworthy of a beautiful woman like you. Come dance with me, I'll be your date tonight."

My face froze and my cheeks blushed. "Sir-"

"My name is Alexander Moriartti."

"Alexander, I'm really sure I don't know how to dance like the rest of you."

He laughed a small laugh and looked down at me. He grabbed my face softly and looked into my eyes behind the mask. "I'll teach you everything there is to know." I couldn't breathe.

He laid his hand out for my own hand and I gave it to him. He lead me out into the dance floor between millions of couples. This gorgeous man wanted to dance with me? I couldn't believe it.

I stood infront of him and his hands were on my side and in my other hand while my right hand had his. I was so comfortable with him as he smiled at me. "Follow my lead," he whispered into my ear. I nodded.

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