Chapter Five

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"Are you serious? Two in the morning? Judy just might kill me!" I couldn't believe that I had let this get this late. I looked down trying to weigh my options: go to his house and crash or sleep on the street. If I go back to Judy's than I'll be lock out and sleep outside until she wakes up and then kills me.

I looked up at him, "your house? Do we have to do stuff?"

"Not if you don't want to."

I nodded and he held out his hand for mine which I took.

When we pull up in his drive way I'm just in awe. His house was huge! No to mention that we pulled into the drive way in a Limousine. He opened my door for me and lead me in the front door. The inside of the rooms were white and roomy. It was like walking into a brand new expensive hotel in cream shades. It was amazing!

He laughed at my facial expression and kept leading me. We started climbing stairs and I started chewing my bottom lip out of nervousness until he turned around and cornered me against the wall. "Ma'am, I don't think you need to do that right now."

"Alexander, my name is Olivia, Olivia Ferguson."

He put a lock of hair behind my ear and got close to my ear, "Olivia." It was like a whisper of silk. My god I could feel my legs open a bit from temptation.

He continued on like nothing happened till we got to a bedroom. Walking in, everything was velvet and silver. It was amazing! The bed was circular and the pillows were amazing!

I sat on the bed looking around and when I finally got my eyes back on Alexander he was taking his shirt off. When his eyes caught mine and he smirked. My mouth opened a little when he asked, "like why you see?" I bit my lip again out of nervousness and his humorous expression changed to straight. "Why did I say about that, Olivia?"

I just nodded, crossed my legs, and leaned back on my elbows still watching him. I was so happy I was wearing this tight dress because right now, all I want to do is look appetizing. He looked me all over, "do you want the bed or the couch?"

I stood up and stood as close as I could mfront of him, pressing against him. "I think...I'll sleep on the couch, but thanks though." I grinned and moved around him and when I got to the door I was pulled back by my hips against his chest. Feeling this close to me made me vibrate all over. Every urge in me wanted to throw my clothes off for him.

His hands felt around my hips into my front and he holds me close with his nose into the nape of my neck. He smelt me like he wanted me and god that made me hot. He kissed my neck slowly making me get chills. I started breathing really hard and slow until, "here you go." He hands me a T shirt and a pair of blue plaid boxers. I smirked and stomped off down stairs hearing him chuckle behind me.

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