Chapter Nine

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Alexander pulls into the driveway of my foster home and every nerve in me is shaking every step I take walking to the front door. The sunlight is warming my skin but also showing my body shaking with fear. So much that Alexander notices, "hey, Olivia, why are you sh-"

Before he could finish the white front door opened showing my foster mother looking at me with her cold dark brown eyes, almost black, and the pencil thin from upon her face. "Olivia," she said in an angry but low voice on a straight full face. "Who is this young man you have here with you? More importantly, where have you been all night?"

I was looking down at my feet the whole time she was talking to me. "I was at a party and spent the night at Alexander's house." As soon as those words left my mouth her eye twitched. That angered her badly. But she grinned anyway and told me to come inside. I took one more look at Alexander and took a step inside. I could tell my expression worried him but Judy thanked him and he turned to leave right as the door closed.

The light was gone and as soon as she turned around her hand turned with her as she slapped me square in the face. Hard. So hard that my legs gave way and I fell to the floor holding my face which stung. "You stupid slut! You think you can just sleep around and do whatever you want?" I couldn't respond the pain hurt too much. "You think you can bring your filthy self into my house? The house I gratefully opened up to you?" She slapped me again on the face. "Well I'll teach you to be clean, girl." Before I knew it my brown hair was all together and being pulled hard. I grabbed ahold of her hand to relieve some pressure but it hardly helped. I let out a scream and she pulled harder which made me scream again. She pulled me all the way until we got to the bathroom and she laid me in the floor. "Take a shower whore and repent you're evil ways before I make you." With one more evil glare she slammed the door closed as she left. The only thing I did was sit in the tub, turn on the bath water, and start crying.

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