Chapter Twelve

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When I got up to my room I put my earphones in my ears and laid on my bed. I just wanted some kind of peace after my horrible couple of days. Within the background I heard a TINK! Followed by another TINK! Naturally I walked twords the sound to find out what it was. It was coming from my window and when I reached it I hadn't been prepared from what I'd be seeing. Alexander was throwing rocks at my window; the tiny tan colored rocks Judy has in her overgrown flower garden.

I pulled out my earphones and open my window, "Alexander? What are you doing here? If Judy finds you she'll kill me! Literally!"

He smiled, "I'm sorry I just needed to see you!"

"What for?"

Totally avoiding my question, "can you come down?"

I looked around the steep roof, "uh no! What do you want?"

"I want you to come home with me! I want to take care of you!"

"I'm only a teen and you're an adult. I won't be an adult until next month."

"Next month? That's great! Please come? I've never felt such a pull before from a woman until you came."

I thought for a minute: Judy won't tell anyone I ran away because she'd want the money, I don't start my senior year until August, Brian won't miss me since he loves leaving me. "Ill go!"

He doesn't say anything or show any emotion he just turns and leaves behind the bushes. Before I holler for him I see him again carrying a ladder.

Arriving back at Alexander's house ms. Hagerdy welcomed me back with open arms. She acted like a mother to me and I loved it. Alexander didnt wait any time before he tugged me up the stairs and into his room. "I missed you too just calm down."

He backed me into a wall and this goofy grin was printed on his face and when I felt my backside hit the wall I knew it was going to go down. "I couldn't do it," he said looking into my eyes. "I couldn't stand you not being here. I don't know what I would've done if you said no to me tonight. One thing for sure, you'll be safe atleast." I looked at him and smiled, "maybe not safe."

He laughed and lace his hands under my ass and he piled me up as I let my legs wrap around his hips.

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