Chapter 1: My memories haunt me

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Noah covered my ears from the on growing shouts and screams coming from upstairs, Mac locked us in the basement again, he was talking to someone on the phone "FUCK THESE KIDS! WHAT IF THEY SAW THEM? THE COPS COULD ROCK UP HERE ANY SECOND!" He was stomping around making sure we knew he was mad! "WE'LL HAVE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY! IT WAS THAT LITTLE SHIT! I DONT KNOW? THE ONE WITH THE GLASSES" He was talking about Tyler.

Mac got really angry when Tyler opened the windows for fresh air, he was sitting enjoying the sun until Mac yanked him from the side and quickly shut the window, Tyler coughed from the sudden force that hit his throat from his T-shirt and Mac hit him, "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT GOING NEAR THE WINDOW?" He never let us go outside or be seen walking around the house, that's why we were locked in the basement all the time..

My brothers always put up a fight from being down there, I'm only 8, so I do as I'm told, we made a White Castle in there so I didn't mind.

"You okay Evie?" Noah had me cradled in his arms while Tyler looked around for a blanket to keep me warm,

"yes I'm just sad though"

He moved a strand of hair out of my eyes and behind my ear "Why are you sad Eves?" Tyler asked, while walking over with a red spotted piece of cloth he found moments ago, to put over my cold skin, then gently took a spot in front of Noah and I "because I'm hungry" they both chuckled and looked at each other, "Ty we have to fight the big scary dragon and take Evie to a special strong castle one where she will be safe" I never knew what they were talking about, there was no dragons here, "But Noah!" Tyler looked worried "it's our only chance, I'll fight the monster off and you take Evie, be the hero Ty" looking up at Noah, he was already looking at Tyler "will we be okay now Noah?" He cuddled me tighter and kissed my forehead, "we'll be better than okay Evie"

He stands me up and helps me on Tyler's back, we leave the blanket behind and I wrap my arms tight around Tyler's neck making sure I don't fall on my butt, hehe butt! I giggle to myself and Noah turns around and smiles "what are you giggling about Evie?" We stop at the top of the basement stairs "I said butt, in my brain" he laughs and scruffs my hair "I love you so much Evie" he hugs Tyler and I both tightly and positions himself upright in front of the door, "You ready Ty?" Tyler gives him a quick nod and Noah smiles, what is he doing?

All of a sudden there was a loud bang on the door, it scared me, then there was another one! Mac appeared in front us, he smelt of smoke "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" Noah kicked him in his wing ding and Mac went on the floor, holding himself, we run passed him and out the front door, "RUN! AND DONT LOOK BACK!" Noah was standing at the door, "but!" The last thing I saw before the house was out of sight and the fast movements of houses passing by, was Noah being dragged away.

"NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I awoke to shaking jolts attacking my body "NOAH!" I screamed again "Everlyn wake up!" My eyes immediately opened to the sound of an unknown voice, once I got a clear vision of who was shaking me awake from my horrible memory of Noah, I instantly knew who it was "Kaye?" I hugged her tightly, silently thanking her for waking me up from that vivid mental video, I replay in my mind every night. "it's okay your safe now"

Kaye is the woman who stopped us from running and asked if we were okay, once we told her everything she called the police and when they got there, Noah was no where to be found and the same as Mac, we were assuming he killed him, since they found stained bloody clothes, that looked like Noah's, they searched for ages! Until up about when I turned 13, And then they gave up, we had no hope after that, our brother was gone.

"Where's Tyler?" I sniffled, Pulling away from Kaye, I spot a figure in the far corner of my room, "Here!"

He got up and moved towards us, Kaye got up and walked towards my bedside, so Tyler could sit down in front of me "will you two be alright?" Kaye asked with a worried look in her eyes, "it's fine, go back to sleep, I'll take care of Eves" she kissed both our foreheads and exited the room leaving it open just so the light exposed itself enough for me to see everything clearly.

I only had my bed, sheets and a  blanket plus my tweety pillow, in the room. I did once call mine.

We were leaving for California in the morning, New house, new country, new neighbour hood and new school. Yeah it sucked but Kaye was offered a job as the CEO of a new company called Kaliera, something to do with being a lawyer, I don't know. At first she didn't want to take it because she didn't want to disappoint us, but we were excited.

We all needed a new start and maybe at this school *Craven California high school*
Just Maybe I'll make heaps of new friends, I wasn't really fond of making friends with girls, because all they do is gossip and drool over my idiotic brother. His a good person but sometimes he can be a complete dork.

"You alright?" Ty asked

"Yeah I guess" answering his protective brother question, he pulls me into his embrace with force, which startled me but I knew it was because he was worried "I tried everything to wake you up but nothing was working Eves I was scared!" Hugging him tightly back, I reassure him that it'll be okay "hey?" Pulling away from him, Ty looks at me "it's okay I'm fine" he gives me a weak smile then hugs me again.

"You can't relive your nightmares Eves, I know you miss him, so do I but we have to keep being strong"

I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn't realise Tyler was shaking until a cold wetness dropped on my shoulder, oh he was crying!

"Please don't cry Tyler" whenever Noah was mentioned, Ty couldn't keep a straight face. He always cried. And his one of the strongest people I know. "I'm sorry" he sobbed, "you have nothing to be sorry for big brother, it's okay to cry you know?" He squeezed me tighter. And he just cried.

We hugged for what seemed like forever and he finally let go to lay next to me "Remember that time we were playing hide and seek and it took us like two seconds to find Noah because his bum was sticking up in the air?" Tyler stifled a laugh which made me giggle too "yeah I remember" we spoke about everything except Noah after that, and after a good 3 hours of laughing till we couldn't anymore, we both fell asleep. Talking has it's advantages when your tired and awake at three in the morning.

And the last thoughts that trailed through my mind before I drifted was, tomorrow morning were moving out of Australia..

California here we come.

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