Chapter 4

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5 years later....

On a cold dark night, a dragon moaned in sadness at being caught by dragon trappers but not yet begin killed by them. It kept moaning and tugging against its chains, that restrained him from escaping, but was stopped as a trapper yelled "Quiet stupid dragon!!" and banged his sword against the bars of the top of the bottomless pit cage that held the dragon hostage.

The dragon whimpered in fear and pushed itself against the floor of its cage. The trapper went away from the cage, satisfied with his work and didn't fail to notice a shadow following him until too late. With a hard punch to the face, by the staff, the trapper was flung backwards on top of the dragon's cage unconscious. The shadow looked left and right before revealing itself to be a person wearing armor made out of dragon scale clothes with metal claws shaped into Monsterous nightmare claws. A mask in the shape of a large night fury covered the person's entire face and straps of wide leather hung  around the person, from the armor at the waist, all the way down to the thick leather wrapped boots. The staff seemed to be made out of strange metal with black markings all over with scales and leather covering the middle of the staff while the upper and lower parts of the staff were sharpened to a point that it could cut through solid rock. The armor seemed to have a chest plate with shoulder pads, arm rests that had a sharp point at the elbow, back plate the covered from the neck up to the waist down, and high arm rest guards that had both leather and dragon scales holding it all together and giving off an menacing impression.

The shadow signaled to something behind it and a Night Fury appeared, with purple fins aligning its spine all the way up to its tail, behind the shadow and took the unconscious trapper off the top of the cage to allow the shadow to contact the trapped dragon. The shadow came forward until it showed itself to the dragon. The dragon pulled back away from the top in fear. "Shhh, I promise. I won't hurt you," the shadow said softly as it partly pulled up it's mask to reveal a young woman in her early twenties.

Are you the Princess of all Dragons? the dragon asked nervously.

"Yes, that would be me. Don't worry, my friends and I are going to get you out of here," the princess replied gently as she pulled down her mask and held out her hand, with the claws upward to not harm the dragon, while looking away to show the dragons he trusts him.

The dragon moved upward as best as he could and touched his chin to her hand. The princess smiled beneath the mask and signaled to her uncle Cloudjumper to use his strength to lift the top of the cage up to allow the dragon to escape from its now-weak chains holding it down. Cloudjumper flew down from his post and grabbed the top of the cage with his claws. He pulled on the cage with his claws while trying to fly a bit upwards to slowly lift the cage up to not cause too much attention to their break in. Soon, the top of the cage was off from the rest of the cage and Cloudjumper began to fly upwards a bit to allow the trapped dragon to get out of its cage. The princess smiled once more because they were finally getting away with this without letting the trappers know they were here.

"HEY!!" someone shouts from afar.

Shoot!! the princess thought angrily to herself for jinxing it as she gripped her staff tightly for battle.

A net comes out of nowhere and traps Cloudjumper down on the ground making him drop the top of the cage partly down onto the cage in the process. The trappers came out from nowhere and started to attack the princess and her Night Fury as they both fought them off using every bit of strength they had to fight them off. The princess whacked one of the trappers hard on the head before hitting another trapper hard in the stomach and, using her staff as a leverage, jumps over two of her enemies before twirling herself around in the air and whacking the both of them with her staff in the process. She lands in a perfect stance behind the trappers and begins to twirl her metal staff above her head to signal for reinforcements. Faster and faster it went until someone grabbed the edge of it, but stayed clear of the sharp medals of it.

She struggled against the trapper's tight grip and knew exactly who he was. Eret son of, the deceased, Eret. Her main archenemy and the finest dragon trapper alive but can't fight well against her worth a dragon's tongue. "Uh-uh, not tonight. Miss dragon rider. You see, these dragons all belong to Drago Bludvist now," Eret said smugly as he held one of his swords out against the princess in a threatening manner.

Madly, the princess growled at him in her dragon language that made the dragons near them stop and look at her in shock before laughing in there throats. This confused the trappers, even Eret, giving the princess enough time to yank her staff out of his grip and kick him hard in the stomach. He fell back on the ground in pain while the Night Fury finished knocking out the rest of the trappers and the princess freed Cloudjumper in the process. Cloudjumper quickly flew back onto to his original mission and took the top of the cage off once again before using his fire gently against the chains. It freed the dragon and it took off into the sky before hovering and waiting for its princess to arrive. The princess quickly twirled her staff again making it sound like a leader dragons calling. Soon more dragons arrived and waited for their princess's call.

Using her staff, she twirled her staff swiftly behind her a few times before slamming it down hard on the floor of the trappers fort. That was the signal for the dragons to blow this place apart. This wasn't the first trappers fort they had destroyed while freeing the trapped dragons from it. Quickly, in formation, the dragons began blasting at the fort from all around, freeing more trapped dragons in the process, while another dragon stood by waiting for its signal to finish off the fort. The princess began to mount her Night Fury when she was pulled back and a sword was placed at her neck. She struggled against the trapper until she remembered her training. Using her, late, dragon powers, she heated up her hands and blast the trapper backwards into the wall. I am not the same weak human I once was, she declared in Dragonese to her friend.

I would never say that your highness. But come on, we got to go and give the signal to your father now before we lose anymore of our dragons, agreed the Night Fury as she lowered herself to allow her sister-by-heart to climb on and fly away with her.

In the air, the princess signaled to the dragon, sitting deep in the waters, to finish off the fort. The dragon stood up and stepped out from the shadows to show its huge size and tusk. All the remaining dragons quickly fled while Cloudjumper did an extra one sweep to make sure no other trapped dragons are there before flying up into the air and flying away with all the dragons. "Drago Bludvist will hear of this and hunt you down for it!!!" Eret's voice shouted from the fort as the princess flew her Night Fury away with both her dragons and the dragons they helped escape.

Not if you guys are already dead, the princess thought angrily as she steered her dragon to the front to lead the dragons home into the fog while her father used his icy breath to blast the trappers fort to bits to make sure it will never be used again.

Hey guys, it's Shayelee8 here and I am soo sorry for not updating this story, or the other stories that I have posted online, in a long time. I am such a horrible person for not updating this sooner!! I didn't mean to have writers block on this but I was stuck on wondering what to put in the next chapter before discovering the deleted scenes in How to Train Your Dragon 2 and this inspired me to write the next chapter. I even changed Jaybird's appearance the last time and gave her some dragon powers to help her defend herself even more and upgraded her staff to be used as a weapon to defend herself, making dragon commands from it, and used to do some tricks with Ivory. So this is five years later and is set in How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Jaybird knows that she comes from a Viking village but doesn't know where. It doesn't make her curious anymore about where she came from because she has already gripped her destiny when her powers came in and is working hard against Drago to stop him from destroying peace between humans and dragons. Thank you very much for y'alls patience while I had writers block on this book and I promise to update soon. Vote, Comment, and Follow. Shayelee8 out! Peace!

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