Chapter 9

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Her father layed where Hiccup should have been standing, motionless, unresponsive. Jaybird quickly ran up to him, just as Hiccup ran over to him as well. She helped her brother move the blocks of ice on his body and helped pull her father upwards in order for her to check to see if his heart was still beating. "DAD!" Hiccup shouted in agony at the thought of losing his father.

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, Jaybird knelt and pressed her ear to where his heart was at while Hiccup began muttering, in shock, "No, he couldn't. He can't be."

Hearing nothing, Jaybird closed her eyes and more tears sprang out. She opened them and looked at her brother sadly. "No, he...he...." Hiccup said in regret.

More tears sprang from her eyes as she threw herself over her birth father and began crying her heart out. For in this battle, she had lost her title, her foster father, and now her birth father again. She felt her mother's hand be placed on her shoulder while hearing more footsteps come up to them. Generally she heard the evil Alpha undo his hypnosis and looked up, with tear-filled eyes, to see him leaving them alone. Toothless was able to shake out of his hypnosis and he returned to his normal self wondering what was going on.

Generally, she began crying more over everything she had lost because of today and didn't stop. She felt her brother's hand take hers and looked up to see him, and the blonde girl from earlier, looking at her with a concerned face. Not taking it in anymore, Jaybird hugged her baby brother and began to cry some more without sobbing. She then felt movement near them and looked up at her left side to see Eret standing far away from them with a sad face.

Gesturing for him to come over, Jaybird decided not to hold it against him anymore. He did suffer enough and she already can tell what he has been through. When he reached Stoick's body, Jaybird stood up from her brother's embrace and was about to say something when she heard her brother yell "No! Leave him alone!"

Looking over, her heart broke in two yet again at what Hiccup was doing to Toothless. He blamed Toothless for his father's death thinking that it was his fault. "GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted to his dragon.


"Get away!!" he yelled to the dragon cutting her off from her plea.

He got his wish as his dragon fled away from his rider in sadness and confusion of what he did to deserve that. "It's not his fault Hiccup. You know that," Jaybird said softly, wisely, and reasonably as she kneeled down to his height to share what else she knew from her foster father.

"Good dragons, under the control of bad people do bad things without knowing what they are doing," she wisely finished looking into his eyes with tears.

Hiccup began to cry again and she placed a hand on his shoulder to try to help comfort him. They all then heard the sound of Toothless's cry and saw him, under the evil Alpha's control once more, mindlessly flapping his own wings with Drago on his back. "Gather the men! And meet me at Berk!" he ordered his men who shouted in victory and prepared to leave with the boats.

"Toothless!" Hiccup cried out getting to his feet and trying to go after his dragon but was stopped by his mother holding him back.

Hearing something else, Jaybird turned to see Ivory leaving her. "IVORY!" Jaybird shouted as she tried to run and reach out to her dragon but was held back by Eret.

"Jaybird don't. You'll only make it worse. Trust me. I know," Eret said softly in her ear.

Looking over to him and looking back at the disappearing form of her sister-by-heart, she just cried. Strong arms helped turn her around and hug her in a comforting manner but she didn't care cause she had officially lost everything.

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