Chapter 8

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Jaybird quickly flew Ivory back into the sanctuary and aimed for her room. Landing on the ledge, Jaybird dismounted and began arming herself with her armor, claws, daggers inside the boots, and tightened her mask in place. Gripping her staff, she took one more look at her room before jumping onto Ivory and flying towards the platform, where her family stood. Pulling up her mask partway, Jaybird looked at her birth family and asked "Wanna be apart of the war to free the dragons once and for all?"

Hiccup grinned and ran to Toothless as a response. "What war dear?" her mother asked afraid of what her daughter might say.

"The war against Drago and his dragon army," Jaybird declared looking at her family with a serious face.

"We are all a team and a family, what do you want us to do Jaybird?" Stoick declared after a few moments of silence.

"Save the dragons, all of them," replied Jaybird before she flipped down her mask and flew Ivory down to meet secretly with her foster father.


The ritual had already begun and now, it was time for Jaybird to become the true Alpha. Do you Jaybird Fire Haddock, solemnly swear to protect all the dragons of this world as their Alpha and leader until the day you die? her foster father asked as the water around herself glowed while Ivory stood on a ledge not far away as a witness to the ritual.

I solemnly swear that I will protect all the dragons of this world as their Alpha and leader until the day I die, Jaybird declared with all of her heart.

Then, by the powers vested in me by the ancient Alpha law. I hereby decree you Alpha Jaybird Fire Haddock as our newest Alpha and Queen of all Dragons, decreed her father.

The water then rippled and slowly formed around her in three ribbons before stopping above her and glowing a bright blue. Jaybird closed her eyes and opened them making them become a bright blue as her hair came undone from it's one long braid and glowed blue while swaying against the invisible wind. Markings appeared all over as ancient as the earliest times before disappearing, leaving only one mark behind. The water then fell with a splash and the glowing around her, and in her eyes, subsided to allow Jaybird to walk over to her friend and ready for war.

She looked at the mark left behind and saw that it was the same one she got when she first came here but it had a splash of ice under it to signal her as the new Alpha. It is done my daughter, be careful and stay safe with your friend, her father said as he readied himself for his, possible, final battle.

(Sighs) I will father. I promise, Jaybird replied in Dragonese as she finished putting her armor back on and pulling her hair into a tight braid.

Take care of her Ivory, her father said before Ivory took off into the sky with the new Alpha on her back.

What's the plan my queen? Ivory asked as she flew upwards towards the upper part of the sanctuary where there was another secret hole for them to go through.

Save the dragons and make sure Drago never wins this battle, Jaybird declared as she flipped her mask on once more and prepared to make her grand entrance.

The flew up until they were in the high in the sky and stopped waiting for her father to make his grand entrance. Jaybird stood up on her saddle and raised her staff as she felt her father rise up from the sanctuary and break through the ice barrier on the top of their sanctuary. She raised her staff above herself and looked behind her to see her father roaring out in anger of those who dared to challenge her dragons to choose sides. Feeling more confident with her father to back her up, Jaybird raised her staff even higher and signaled to Ivory to begin her flight across the field.

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