The Pines

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It took about 5, maybe 10 minutes to explain my story. But, weirdly, they didn't look stunned. In fact, they looked as if I was telling a story about the lamest, most boring thing ever. Well, Dipper looked sorta interested. He flips through his journal (what's in there that's so important that he can't keep his eyes off it?!) until he find the page he's looking for. "I know you probably didn't see it that well, but you at least know the outline. Did it look," he shows me the journal page, "like this?" I look at the page, surprised. "Yah, that's EXACTLY what it looked like!" I take the journal from him and read the headline. "Gremoblin...?" I look up at him. "What the heck is a Gremoblin?!" Dipper laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Long story short, I kinda brought him here as an attraction one day, not the best decision..." Mabel suddenly looks up and gasps. "Avill, shouldn't you be home?" I look down at my soggy sneakers, wet denim jeans and thick, black jacket. "I-I don't really have a home..." Mabel looks at me. "That might explain your hair..." I look confused. "Mabel, that's kinda rude. Sorry about that..." Dipper apologizes for his sister.

"Nah, its okay. It's probably better that I see how it looks, now that I think about it." Dipper stands up and walks away, motioning for me to follow. He opens a door that says EMPLOYEES ONLY. He smiles. "After you m'lady." I giggle a little then head through the door. The room I walk into seems like the living room. A man sits at the kitchen table studying papers, while another sits on the couch, watching TV. "Hey Dipper, the new episode of Duck-Tective was AMAZING! Who's the girl?" The guy at the table looks up from his papers, adjusting his glasses. "This is Avill. Avill, this is my Grunkle Stan and Ford." Stan shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you kid." He elbows Dipper's shoulder. "Shes sure a keeper." Dipper blushes, "S-she's just a friend..." I can feel my face getting hot with embarrassment.

Ford stands up and walks over. He adjusts his glasses again and leans over, looking at me. "Hmm, I've heard the name Avill before, but I've forgotten where." After a while of studying me, he looks up. "Well, nice to meet you Avill!" Ford smiles and walks back over and gets back to studying the papers. Stan burps and drops his soda can. "Hey Dipper, get me another Pitt-Cola." Dipper rolls his eyes and gets the soda. He slowly turns around, but almost gets knocked over when Mabel runs by. He huffs in annoyance and leads me up the stairs to the bathroom. "We've arrived at the destination." I look in the mirror. "Geez, why didn't anyone warn me sooner?!"

My long, brown hair was caught in brambles, tied in knots, and spiking in every direction. There were cuts all over my face, which wouldn't surprise me, and bags under my eyes. "Do you have a brush or something? I mean, I'm not obsessed over how I look, but I guess I at least have to look DECENT!" Dipper laughs and I look at him. I realize how dramatic I sound and start laughing too. From the doorway, Mabel takes a picture of us both and smiles in an evil yet excited way.

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