The Attic

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   So, apparently, his bedroom was in the attic. He motioned for me to be quiet, then pointed to Mabel. Mabel was asleep in her bed on the other half of the attic-bedroom. It had kitten posters and glitter practically everywhere! I looked back at Dipper and he shrugged. Slowly we creped over to his bed, in which carried the journals. He slid a laptop over to me. I could tell this meant "type everything I say."

   He quietly took out a notepad. He whispers everything on the notepad, while I type it. I didn't even realize how long we'd been up until I see his alarm clock says 3:30 am. This whole time, Dipper's been telling me new information about certain creatures, monsters, anomalies, etc. At this point we were at number 27. "Okay, this next one's a real big one..." he looks at me and I nod to show I'm ready. He looks back down at his notebook. "Bill Cipher." My head shoots up. "W-what, do you know about him?" I nod and he quickly scoots over. "How much do you know, tell me everything. Does he stalk your dreams? Has he tried to make a deal with you?" He stares at me, hoping for an answer. I stare blankly at him. He makes a motion with his hand, as to tell me to continue. I gulp. "I-I know more about him than most..." I look at Dipper. His eyes are bright, so bright I swear I can see little stars in them. "Look, it's 3:45 in the morning. Can't I just continue with this tomorrow...?" I try to walk toward the door, but he puts himself in the way. "Please Avill... I need to know..." I sigh. "Dipper, I'm tired and can barely think. I might tell you tomorrow, just let me sleep." He sighs. "Fine." He opens the door and lets me out. "Wait, MIGHT?!" I hear him yell from upstairs. Finally maybe I can get a little sleep around here.

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