The Man in Yellow

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"TAKE COOOOVVVVEEEERRR!!!" Dipper runs into the closet, but there's no escape. "Oh God dammit..." I look down the stairs, and let's just say, basically, the stairs barfed up a screaming rainbow... Candy and Grenda burst through the door squealing. Mabel shouted something I couldn't understand, but apparently everyone else could. Suddenly, a grappling hook burst through the door. I dodged just in time, but the hook shot out the window, shattering it. Candy and Grenda pulled out a board game labeled, "Calling All Boys: Preteen addition". I glanced at Dipper. I think we both knew this would be a long night. After a few minutes of excited squeals and pillows smashing against walls (and heads), I headed downstairs to grab a soda. Opening the fridge and saw an apocalypse stash amount of Pitt-Colas. "Sweet." I reached in and grabbed a soda. I popped it open, ready to drink. That's when I heard him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Lady of the Night...." I slowly turn around and see him. The one, and only....Bill Cipher. He spins his cane, hovering in the air. "Nice to see you again...." He smiles, suddenly shifting out of his triangular form and into a humanoid one. He puts an arm out, pinning me to the fridge. "Long time no see. How's Earth for ya? Here, take a seat" he snaps and I appear in a chair, "We can talk it over..." He suddenly appears in the chair in front of me. 

I scowl. "What do you want? Don't you think I can take care of this myself?" He smirks. "Of course you can....I'm just...observing..." I look at him, snarling, "It's bad enough that I made the stupid deal..." He stands up, looking out the window. He glances over at me, as saying Come, look with me... I slowly come up beside him. "So, when are you gonna get rid of Pine Tree?" I glance at my shoes. "D-do I have to hurt him...cant I ju-" Bill leans over me, his one eye glowing with blue flames. "Avill, you KNOW that you have to demolish him...It's the only way this plan will succeed..." Eyes widened, I make a tiny nod. The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs interrupts the conversation. Bill looks up. "Well, here comes Pine Tree himself. I better get goin....We'll continue this later..." He disappears with a wink. Dipper pokes his head in. "Hey...everything alright..? I thought I heard someone." I shake my head. "Nope, everything fine down here...heh..." He doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't say anything else. He heads upstairs. The brown haired tween stops on a step. "Come back up when you're ready...I might need some backup." He smiles, turning back around and heads up the stairs. I look back out the window and sigh. Slowly, I turn around and head up the stairs to the loud noises of the attic.

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