Mabel and Friends

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I wake up and see three girls leaning over me. One I recognize as Mabel. The other two are complete strangers. "Girls back off, she's waking up." I look at Mabel, rubbing my eyes. She smiles wide, her braces gleaming with sunlight reflecting off the window down the hall. "Rise and Shine friend, it's about time you meet my two best friends in Gravity Falls-well, now that you're here, there's three!"

She points to her friends. "This is Candy-" She points to a girl with glasses, "And Grenda," She points to a taller girl with a ponytail. The larger girl shakes my hand, shaking me with it. She talks in a deeper voice. "Hi there new comer, welcome to Gravity Falls." Candy smiles, "Yes, it's very weird here, yet very cool." I smile. It's great to know there's more people. Dipper walks downstairs yawning. His hair is all messed up, yet still cute. He doesn't have his vest on either. He rubs his eyes. Once he sees Candy, Grenda and Mabel he yells. He practically goes into a full sprint, acting as a wall, blocking me from them. "Don't change her! Shes perfect the way she is!" They all smile. "Perfect you say...huh?" Mabel narrows her eyes, still smiling. "Girls! Huddle!" They all get into a little pre-game huddle and whisper about something. Dipper blushes and looks back at me. I raise an eye brow. "Perfect you say?" Dipper gives me a weird look. "Oh hush, you still have to tell me about Bill." I sigh. I was hoping he'd forget about that. But I can see now this kid has a really good memory. And really cute hair.

Mabel and her friends come out of the huddle then nod. "Alright, we won't bring her to the dark side, for now..." Dipper sighs in relief. "But," Candy adds, "In exchange, you have to go through a sleepover with us." They all smile in an evil way. I look at Dipper. "You don't have to do this Dipper. I'll be fine." Dipper stares back at me. "No, no you won't. Before I know it, they'll turn you into a glitter-sprinkling monster." We both laugh a little. Grenda clears her throat. Dipper turns around and sighs. "Fine, but if anyone kisses me, or puts makeup on me, I'll leave." They all squeal. A stranger's head appears from the kitchen. "Breakfast's ready Dudes." I look at Dipper. "Who's that?" Dipper opens his mouth to speak, but Mabel butts in. "Oh, that's just Soos, the handy man. He's a really nice guy. He wouldn't hurt a fly!" From the kitchen I hear a swat. "Get back here Mr. Fly!" I hear another swat. Mabel smiles in a weird way. "Okay, he MIGHT hurt a fly, but he's really nice." Mabel catches up with Candy and Grenda. I walk into the kitchen to see Ford and Stan in a deep conversation about something. They stop as we walk in. We quickly eat our breakfasts and head to the lobby. Mabel, Candy and Grenda run upstairs while me and Dipper head out into the woods.

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