My Hero ;-;

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Where on earth is Sans?

Go into the forest?  Yes <3     No

You walk down the forest pathway, looking around.

 "Sans? Sans where are you?" You call.

It was getting darker with every step you took. You knew something was up, you knew something had happened.

 "Sans? This isn't funny, where are you?" You ask aloud.

You see something glowing from the end of the forest.

 "Sans?" You call.

There he was, his hoodie up, blue glowing all around him. You felt a dark aura surround you. 

 "Sans are you alright? What's wrong?" You ask.

He turns around, his eye a bright blue. His smirk didn't seem friendly anymore, it seemed more....devilish. You felt the hair on your neck stand on end, goosebumps forming on your arms. 

"Are you ready to have a bad time?" He grins.

You gasp and take a step back as a wall made of bones appears in front of you. You shake your head, looking at him with a confused expression.

"Sans, what are you-"

You feel pain in your chest and you watch as your heart rips out of your chest. You fall to the floor, the pain unbearable.

But somehow you were still alive.

Your heart turned into a dark blue color, bones surrounding it. It turned into a more, heart-shaped form, still pulsing with life. 

You fell onto your chest, groaning. 

You watched helplessely as your heart skimmed over the bones, trying it's best to avoid them.

(-5 health)

Sans walks over to you and grabs your shirt, pulling it up so you faced him. His face was so close to touching yours.

(-10 health)

"You humans disgust me." He growls, giving you a grimacing look. 

(-15 health)

You stare at him with teary eyes. He chuckles and tosses your body against a random tree, it slamming into your back, you crying out in pain. Blood poured out of your nose, you coughing up even more.

(-25 health)

"S-Sans....why...?" You say slowly.

He turns around, as if surprised at your sudden question. 

" humans don't know how to spare. All you do is fight, and end. Fight and flee, kill wherever you go. You go down the wrong path and nothing stops you. Spare should'nt even be put up for an option if you're going to do this." He growls.

"YOU HUMANS KILL EVERYONE, YOU HAVE NO MERCY WHATSOEVER!" He screams, moving his hands and arms to the side in a sharp manner.

Your body slams against another tree, blood flying out of your mouth once more. He continues moving his arm up and down, your body flying with his every movement. Your heart was struggling, trying it's best to hold on. 

(-10 health)

(-10 health)

(-10 health)

(-10 health)

bad to the bone (Undertale sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now